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Generation IV Glitch Discussion

Tweaking - Page 1


Posted by: Foreign Building
Date: 2009-12-22 11:41:57
I noticed a lack of adequate info here – hoping to remedy it. To start, tweaking is the practice of riding over the invisible loadlines where they intersect in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heartgold or Soulsilver, for the purpose of forcing the game to load the wrong area in a given 32x32 section of tiles. This is almost always done on your bike, and always done in a specific pattern, to produce a desired result.

The squares which are bordered by loadlines on 2 sides are named as follows: Top left:1, Top right:2, Bottom left:3, Bottom right:4. This is the generally accepted way to show a tweaking pattern. The infamous tweak in Jubilife that allows you to enter the void and get Darkrai/Shaymin will be my example for this. The necessary steps in the pattern would be: 2, 4, 3, 4, 3, ridden on the highest ear of you bike at full speed. (Many videos for this have 2 extraneous steps at the beginning, their only purpose is to gain speed) The result of this tweak is to load a section of route 203 into the western section of Jubilife, minus its graphics. This result is called an Opposite Tweak.

The other, easier to produce result is shown in this youtube video: It is called a diagonal displacement, is done on the lower bike gear, and is generally visible. It is called a diagonal displacement because it displaces an area northwest of you to northeast of you.

In Platinum, doing the diagonal displacement pattern on the bike's highest gear will sometimes produce very odd results. In one of these, shown here, the Z axis is changed so drastically that the screen goes black. The last area in which you have refreshed the graphics appears to have an effect on the results of these tweaks, and especially on whether they freeze or not. The basic result of this pattern is a visible Opposite Tweak. Fastbiking this pattern rarely works in Diamond/Pearl.

I'm going to post a bit on the void glitch later as well. ^^

Re: Tweaking

Posted by: Adam glitch
Date: 2009-12-22 11:48:13
how interesting…  :o

I think I kinda understood that with my incredibly basic knowlege of gen 3+

Re: Tweaking

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2009-12-22 16:33:38
Thanks for getting that info here. You may want to add it to the wiki, as I know it's a very major glitch that very few of us have tried.

Re: Tweaking

Posted by: Zowayixx
Date: 2009-12-22 22:06:29
I believe Dragon is already adding this to the Wiki, as well as the Void Glitch. Also, please use this video as a reference, as it has more information and is better-quality. Plus the OP needs a lot more background on tweaking, that wasn't even scratching the surface. :XD:

Re: Tweaking

Posted by: Dragonmaster91
Date: 2009-12-25 20:38:05

I believe Dragon is already adding this to the Wiki, as well as the Void Glitch. Also, please use this video as a reference, as it has more information and is better-quality. Plus the OP needs a lot more background on tweaking, that wasn't even scratching the surface. :XD:
Yeah, true. Anyway, I decided ultimately not to do the wiki, I have been too busy lately.

Re: Tweaking

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2010-02-05 17:17:17
I believe Dragon is already adding this to the Wiki, as well as the Void Glitch. Also, please use this video as a reference, as it has more information and is better-quality. Plus the OP needs a lot more background on tweaking, that wasn't even scratching the surface. :XD:

Whoops! Well I already started an article on our wiki, it is located here:

If I'm not mistaken Dragonmaster91, are you part of the Hall of Origin? Which I noticed is a site focussing primarilly on tweaking. Please feel free to edit any information which you think may be inaccurate on this article.