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Generation IV Glitch Discussion

Mimic-Rage Glitch Discussion - Page 1

Mimic-Rage Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2010-08-04 11:12:16
Oh my god.

You would not have believed how I acted when I saw this video.

Here's the title: Sheer Cold Machamp in the Battle Hall.

Yes. Sheer Cold Machamp.

Remember the Mimic-Rage glitch?


Re: The biggest glitchgasm ever!

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2010-08-04 23:13:49
You only just realised that? :D
Good luck!

Re: Mimic-Rage Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2010-08-30 14:03:16
Changing title and making this more of a discussion.
I was wondering what ideas you guys have for this glitch. Here are some that I've seen that look good:
Sheer Cold Machamp
Nasty Plot Latios
Acupressure Registeel
Here are some that I came up with:
Skill Swap Slaking
Magnet Rise Heatran
Transform Shedinja
Insane Baton Pass Sets

Re: Mimic-Rage Glitch Discussion

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2010-08-30 23:48:03
Haven't bothered much, got a few mr. mimes with cool moves but can't be mothered to play leaf green every time I want to teach mimic :D

Re: Mimic-Rage Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2010-09-06 13:21:38
I was thinking skill swap Regigigas, or iron defense Blissey (or amnesia Aggron, etc, etc).

Re: Mimic-Rage Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2010-09-06 17:05:14
Trick Room Aggron or Dragon Dance Flygon are my favorites. Trick Room Aggron would go something like this:

Mr. Mime (which learns Mimic naturally) gets the move Rage from, say, Dunsparce. I then teach it Trick Room. A Level 77 Relicanth (or lower, but 77 makes it easier) imported with Mimic from Emerald then Rage/Transforms into Mr. Mime, gaining the move Trick Room. One Rare Candy later and my Relicanth knows Head Smash, Trick Room, and Rage. An Aron with Mimic imported from Emerald then Rage/Transforms into Relicanth, gaining Head Smash and Trick Room (as well as Rage and Relicanth's fourth move, preferably Aqua Tail to remove the tutoring process).

The logistics involved with Rage/Transforming can be as complex as breeding, but with more room for experimentation.

Re: Mimic-Rage Glitch Discussion

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2010-09-06 23:23:33

Trick Room Aggron or Dragon Dance Flygon are my favorites. Trick Room Aggron would go something like this:

Mr. Mime (which learns Mimic naturally) gets the move Rage from, say, Dunsparce. I then teach it Trick Room. A Level 77 Relicanth (or lower, but 77 makes it easier) imported with Mimic from Emerald then Rage/Transforms into Mr. Mime, gaining the move Trick Room. One Rare Candy later and my Relicanth knows Head Smash, Trick Room, and Rage. An Aron with Mimic imported from Emerald then Rage/Transforms into Relicanth, gaining Head Smash and Trick Room (as well as Rage and Relicanth's fourth move, preferably Aqua Tail to remove the tutoring process).

The logistics involved with Rage/Transforming can be as complex as breeding, but with more room for experimentation.

l2use smeargle

Re: Mimic-Rage Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2010-09-07 09:46:27

Trick Room Aggron or Dragon Dance Flygon are my favorites. Trick Room Aggron would go something like this:

Mr. Mime (which learns Mimic naturally) gets the move Rage from, say, Dunsparce. I then teach it Trick Room. A Level 77 Relicanth (or lower, but 77 makes it easier) imported with Mimic from Emerald then Rage/Transforms into Mr. Mime, gaining the move Trick Room. One Rare Candy later and my Relicanth knows Head Smash, Trick Room, and Rage. An Aron with Mimic imported from Emerald then Rage/Transforms into Relicanth, gaining Head Smash and Trick Room (as well as Rage and Relicanth's fourth move, preferably Aqua Tail to remove the tutoring process).

The logistics involved with Rage/Transforming can be as complex as breeding, but with more room for experimentation.

l2use smeargle

Don't you hate it when you do a long and technical explanation of something and then you realize much later that there is a much simpler way? It happens all the time.

Re: Mimic-Rage Glitch Discussion

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2010-09-07 23:55:55
Lol, it took me a while to realise that too :)