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Generation IV Glitch Discussion

Undocumented alpha/beta Pokémon Platinum maps. - Page 1

Undocumented alpha/beta Pokémon Platinum maps.

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2010-08-08 16:51:46
I was searching if somebody took their time to document any of the map identifiers for unused maps in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, as a code to change the player's map location was already generated a long time ago and can be exported with Pokesav, with the map identifier as the variable (a dword:XXYYZZZZ where XX and YY are the x and y co-ordinates and ZZZZ is the main map number)

Instead I found a complete list of valid map numbers on Pokémon Platinum listed on the PokéCommunity forums by a user named 'Pichu2000' here; and it turns out that there are lot more maps similar to several which were already documented such as the old Battle Tower exterior from D/P in Platinum or the two unused Jubilife Condominiums floors that Dragonmaster91 reported when Tweaking.

For quick reference, here are the map identifiers for valid but unused maps, I may have missed some because it was a huge list but I'll start with the maps that we already know of.

0142 - Old Battle Tower exterior from Diamond/Pearl
0143 - Battle Park-Exchange Service Corner from Diamond/Pearl
0015 - Beta Jubilife Condominiums floor 3, or of other unmentioned building (see below)
0016 - Beta Jubilife Condominiums floor 4, or of other unmentioned building (see below)
00A2 - Beta Sunyshore House

001A - 3rd floor of unmentioned building, or Jubilife Condominiums
001B - 4th floor of unmentioned building, or Jubilife Condominiums
0034 - 3rd floor of unmentioned building (1) (Oreburgh City)
0035 - 4th floor of unmentioned building (1) (Oreburgh City)
0038 - 3rd floor of unmentioned building (2) (Oreburgh City)
0039 - 4th floor of unmentioned building (2) (Oreburgh City)
003F - 3rd floor of unmentioned building (3) (Oreburgh City)
0044 - Alternative Eterna Gym
004F - Beta 4th floor of Eterna Condominiums
005C - Alternative Hearthrome Gym room 1
005D - Alternative Hearthrome Gym room 2
005E - Alternative Hearthrome Gym room 3
005F - Alternative Hearthrome Gym room 4
0060 - Alternative Hearthrome Gym room 5
0061 - Alternative Hearthrome Gym room 6
0062 - Alternative Hearthrome Gym room 7
0063 - Alternative Hearthrome Gym room 8
0064 - Alternative Hearthrome Gym room (Gym Leader's room)
00C0 - Fight Area (East gate - from Diamond/Pearl?)

Note: I could not find the 'Alternative Spear Pillar map' in this list; perhaps it is exclusive to Diamond and Pearl?

Also of note are some of the invalid maps which use different music for a location even though that music is normally never heard there, e.g. 'Jubilife Gym' maps, when Tweaking, which would cause a 'BSoD' - "Black Screen of Death" if the relevant map information was refreshed, although the Jubilife Condominiums map at least looking through the Hall of Origin website is the only reported 'complete' map (i.e. valid tileset data, size etc) which used the Gym Leader theme.

Additionally what seems unusual is that some of the invalid maps were not listed as Mystery Zones, for example; map 0001 is listed as an open speech mark, ("). Although I'm not sure though if Pichu2000 was meant to put that the game actually refers to it as ".

Re: Undocumented alpha/beta Pokémon Platinum maps.

Posted by: Destinatus
Date: 2010-08-08 16:57:37
Interesting…You think these could be manipulated on an AR?

Re: Undocumented alpha/beta Pokémon Platinum maps.

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2010-08-08 17:13:22

Interesting…You think these could be manipulated on an AR?

Yes, this is Pokesav's map modifier code for Platinum.

94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 100014A4 XXYYZZZZ 10002866 00000000 1000286A 00000000 1000286E 00000000 D2000000 00000000

Just change ZZZZ to one of the map identifiers above and hold L+R when another map is loading. XX and YY are the X and Y co-ordinates, so you might have to keep trying different values to get the map to load.

Re: Undocumented alpha/beta Pokémon Platinum maps.

Posted by: Destinatus
Date: 2010-08-08 17:22:36
Nice! Whenever I locate my AR and my Platinum, I'll try it out, and give you any updates to fill the list.

Re: Undocumented alpha/beta Pokémon Platinum maps.

Posted by: SatoMew
Date: 2015-02-14 13:30:37

00C0 - Fight Area (East gate - from Diamond/Pearl?)

Note: I could not find the 'Alternative Spear Pillar map' in this list; perhaps it is exclusive to Diamond and Pearl?

00C0 is the Battle Park gate. In Platinum, it went unused. They replaced the map data with that of the Battle Frontier gate but the NPCs weren't altered so they look misplaced. The events for the NPCs were also deleted.

The real Hall of Origin is 01FE and the fake one (or "alternative Spear Pillar map", as you called it) is 01FF.

I'll also leave this here:

Re: Undocumented alpha/beta Pokémon Platinum maps.

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2015-02-14 16:30:38
I believe that Pawny had found and documented some or all of them back on hall of origin with maps using the void to enter them.  She might still have some of the information saved somewhere if you ask :P

Edit: Just realised this thread is 4 years old, but there might be some maps or something that can be contributed anyway.