Glitch City Laboratories Archives

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Generation IV Glitch Discussion

Using RETIRE in the Great Marsch to get safari pokemon - Page 1

Using RETIRE in the Great Marsch to get safari pokemon

Posted by: Gravedigger
Date: 2017-05-06 12:30:02
Enter Great Marsch, Use retire, go to the right, go up, go left, use RETIRE above the door to the safari zone, enter door.
You will now be in the safari zone, but not in the safari mode. Meaning: you will have actual battles now (This is the only area in which you can fight wild pokemon/catch wild pokemon in RETIRE mode I found), pokemons won't flee (great for shiny hunting) you are not limited to safari balls, but can use anything you want (great for shiny hunting) and you can lower their hp, use status effects and so on like in normal battles. you also no longer have a timer for being in the safari zone.

You will however be unable to leave battles you engaged, so keep that in mind!
Its not hard, but thought I'd record it anyway just in case.

Re: Using RETIRE in the Great Marsch to get safari pokemon

Posted by: Caveat
Date: 2017-05-06 12:48:26
When you're done with the Great Marsh, can you escape?

Re: Using RETIRE in the Great Marsch to get safari pokemon

Posted by: Gravedigger
Date: 2017-05-06 12:50:42

When you're done with the Great Marsh, can you escape?

you can just walk through the door, and it won't even start the leaving the safari zone script.
I added in the video, so that should probaply answer most questions.