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Generation IV Glitch Discussion

Pokemon and item duplication using save corruption! - Page 1

Pokemon and item duplication using save corruption!

Posted by: Gravedigger
Date: 2017-08-19 00:57:24
So, this is extremely tricky but from my testing this won't mess your savefile up. (Its at your own risk though)
The idea comes from bad egg cloning in other generations, except in gen IV its way harder to pull of.

So, here is how you do it:
1) save underneath a pc box, this is not required but its extremely unlikely you'll get it first time.
2) put one (or more) pokemon in the box. So far I only got it to work with one pokemon, but it might be possible and easier with more than one.
3) save the game, count the cycles of the clock. Usually it stops at 9 and 7/8 rounds. We want to reset your game precisely on 9.7/8 but before the clock gets removed from screen or it actually saves. too soon makes the game put you back without saving the box, too late saves the party as it currently is too. We need the game to save the box, but rollback your party to an older save.
4) reset game; if everything went smoothly your screen should go blue and say your savefile was corrupted and its going to use an older savefile.
Once thats over, check your box. With some luck you will have duplicated your pokemon and item!

Important things to notice: as you rollback your party new pokemon put into it will get wiped from your game! This does however make for a gen 4 bad egg removal trick too!

If anyone gets corrupted clones from doing this please comment on species, moves, whatever is different from the original! My bidoof was an exact copy, and even though its awesome you can duplicate I'm more interested in its uses for potential use of glitchmoves.

Re: Pokemon and item duplication using save corruption!

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2017-08-19 05:34:49
Hello Gravedigger,

Great discovery! I only knew that it was possible to clone through trade in Gen IV and V. This is above in so many ways, I need to try :)

Re: Pokemon and item duplication using save corruption!

Posted by: Gravedigger
Date: 2017-08-19 05:52:47
Probaply should add save time is affected by coordinate changes, party box changes and flagchanges (probaply more). If you can't get the timing to work try to count the cycles yourself and reset the game just before it hits save! It can take a lot of attempts so I wish you lots of luck!

Re: Pokemon and item duplication using save corruption!

Posted by: Caveat
Date: 2017-08-19 11:12:29
Jeez, Gravedigger, you're discovering all kinds of stuff now!

I'll try it whenever I can get my hands on my Platinum gameā€¦

Re: Pokemon and item duplication using save corruption!

Posted by: Gravedigger
Date: 2017-08-19 11:41:15
It 100% works on platinum, but other version haven't been confirmed. Theorethicly it should work at least on Diamond and pearl too, and maybe even HG/SS.

Re: Pokemon and item duplication using save corruption!

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2017-08-20 03:56:50
I've been discussing with MAP on PRAMA's Discord, who also did it in Platinum. We should confirm this in OHG/ASS also, unfortunately I don't have access to my cartridges now, so I may only try with emulated games.

It is also very important to test this on Gen 5 games, since cloning in Generation 5 is only performed through trade at this time but is very hard.

Re: Pokemon and item duplication using save corruption!

Posted by: Gravedigger
Date: 2017-08-20 09:57:50
I have two nintendo's and black and white on me, I'll test it for bothe rn.

edit: if it is possible testing it should be in between 4-5 blue balls, as those seem to be the time in which parties and boxes get saved

Re: Pokemon and item duplication using save corruption!

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2017-08-21 03:14:40
That's lame because the game still use the clock counter for trades. That's why trade-cloning in Gen V was easily adapted from trade-cloning in Gen IV.

They didn't change that but they changed the system in single-player game. Weird.

Re: Pokemon and item duplication using save corruption!

Posted by: Gravedigger
Date: 2017-08-21 04:06:43
It has a clock and the blue balls, I just haven't taken the time to convert the time to clockrounds. I'll do that later today :)

Re: Pokemon and item duplication using save corruption!

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2017-08-21 04:43:26
I see!

Btw this should be tested in all gens, including 3g and 7g :)