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Generation IV Glitch Discussion

Is there a known way to enter Spear Pillar or Heatran's chamber from the void? - Page 1

Is there a known way to enter Spear Pillar or Heatran's chamber from the void?

Posted by: Fortranm
Date: 2018-01-17 23:33:16
Theoretically, it should be possible to enter those two places from the void similar to how you enter Turnback Cave from the void, but is there an actual working route right now?

Re: Is there a known way to enter Spear Pillar or Heatran's chamber from the void?

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2018-01-18 07:36:06
Someone (MAP ?) worked a bit on getting to Heatran but it wasn't really conclusive as far as I can remember. I will ask him again.

As for obtaining Palkia/Dialga through Tweaking Trick, it's been done before, I think Jordan62 was the one discovering this one. I think I should be able to find back the method from somewhere on PRAMA's board  :P

EDIT : Checking out with MAP, the route to the Heatran's chamber can indeed be done but it won't be there until you have NatDex

Re: Is there a known way to enter Spear Pillar or Heatran's chamber from the void?

Posted by: Fortranm
Date: 2018-01-18 10:11:20

Checking out with MAP, the route to the Heatran's chamber can indeed be done but it won't be there until you have NatDex

That's interesting. Does the layout of void change after you obtain NatDex? Or do you have to enter the void from somewhere in Battle Zone to reach Heatran's chamber?

Re: Is there a known way to enter Spear Pillar or Heatran's chamber from the void?

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2018-01-18 11:24:29
The catch is that Heatran appears after you complete the Magma Stone quest, but only if you have the National Dex. Using the Tweaking Trick to go there and complete the quest can be done at any time, but if you don't have NatDex, Heatran just won't show up, so that's not very useful.

Re: Is there a known way to enter Spear Pillar or Heatran's chamber from the void?

Posted by: Fortranm
Date: 2018-01-18 13:03:19
Such an unexpected failsafe mechanism. Maybe the Natdex guards in Fight Area were added at a later point in development? I guess Retire won't start the Heatran battle either? :(
Still, it would be good to know the route to Spear Pillar from the void.

Edit: BTW, is there a way to get to Lake Trio Room in Team Galactic HQ and Volkner's room from the void?

Re: Is there a known way to enter Spear Pillar or Heatran's chamber from the void?

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2018-01-19 05:09:20
Yeah it was unexpected and pissed us off a bit because when MAP wrote the route to unlock the three areas before having NatDex (see here, here and here) we were very excited to get Heatran earlier in the game, only to discover this surprising protection. I think he tried everything he could.

As for now regarding Spear Pillar, I could only find the original video, from which you don't see much unfortunately:
I will look further on PRAMA's archives to see if we have a clean process. I'm not sure if Jordan62 is still around somewhere.

As for the Lake Trio Room and stuff, I really don't know.

Re: Is there a known way to enter Spear Pillar or Heatran's chamber from the void?

Posted by: Fortranm
Date: 2018-01-19 11:28:56

Yeah it was unexpected and pissed us off a bit because when MAP wrote the route to unlock the three areas before having NatDex (see here, here and here) we were very excited to get Heatran earlier in the game, only to discover this surprising protection. I think he tried everything he could.

How did he set the flag to those three locations in those videos? Can the same be done to other locations? There seems to be descriptions in those videos, but they are in French and they don't start from the initial tweak.
Edit: So it's a black fake Sinnoh. Does it mean I can unlock any map locations that only require a visit to be unlocked?
Edit 2: I tested it. That's what happens indeed. Thanks for the information. :)

As for now regarding Spear Pillar, I could only find the original video, from which you don't see much unfortunately:
I will look further on PRAMA's archives to see if we have a clean process. I'm not sure if Jordan62 is still around somewhere.

It seems cheat codes are used in this video. So there is no known way to actually get to Spear Pillar from Mt.Coronet entrance via the void?
I started a completionist Pokemon Pearl TAS back in 2016, and I decided to continue working on it recently thanks to the new discoveries during the past 2 years.
This WIP stops after getting HM05 Surf. If it's actually possible to get to Spear Pillar from the void, I'll do it right after.