Complete guide to voiding
Posted by: RETIRE
Date: 2018-09-16 14:44:33
I'm very aware of the fact that little information about how the void works has been shared in the past.
Therefore I decided to write a complete guide to voiding, which anyone should be able to grasp.
You do not need any technical background in order to learn voiding, although knowing some basics can be helpful.
I might update this document in the future if required at some point.
This guide goes over all main aspects of voiding, from the basics up to Battletowers, writing tiles and the very
recently discovered Wrong Warps. The file is accesible online using google drive or you can download the pdf version.
First I'd like to thank both Ganix and MKdasher.
Ganix provided me with this VET: Void Explorers Toolkit. This is a lua script which allows you to teleport, see Base pointers,
your current Map ID and more. The file will come in very handy when routing. He also provided me with several dumps,
required for routing using Mapdata and 3D model data.
Link to his youtube channel:
MKdasher was so kind to allow me to share his currently unpublished void.lua. This is a complete requirement when voiding,
it shows you the void layout live and you can colorcode maps to your liking, this way you can dodge dangerous maps and easily find
your desired Map in RAM. I also made a modified version called 'WrongWarp.lua' which adds in all maps to avoid when Wrong Warping.
Link to his youtube channel:
Here is the google drive version of the document:
The other files, aswell as the downloadable version of the document, are all provided in the following file: