Catching Heatran twice and duplicating any sprite 1 or 2
Posted by: RETIRE
Date: 2019-02-11 10:34:43
The glitch itself is simple, making use out of it is however not.
So, the glitch utilises two key components:
1) the void allowing you to enter maps from any side
2) Map Id 177, 179, 181, 183
These four Map Id's are the Elite Four maps.
They have a simple, yet very useful mapscript.
177 and 179 utilise:
Script 2:
Applymovement 255 mov_1
Fanfare 1562
Clearflag 672/673
Addpeople 1
Setvar 16385 1
And 181, 183 utilise:
Script 2:
Applymovement 255 mov_1
Fanfare 1562
Clearflag 674/675
Addpeople 2
Setvar 16385 1
The main points of interests are Highlighted
Applymovement 255 mov_1
moves the player one tile upAddpeople 1/2
Adds an NPC with Sprite 1/2 of the Map you're currently in.Since the mapscript moves you up first, you can move into a different Map Id in the void.
After that, it will load sprite 1/2 of that Map! This sprite is only here temporarily.
It will save all loaded sprites when you save reset, but if you leave the Map and re-enter it will not be loaded.
It also cannot load sprites that are flagged already. An item that is picked up cannot be respawned, but the sprite can be duplicated and the item picked up twice.
Sadly, many sprites that are useful (Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Giratina…) happen to be Sprite 0.
But, our friend Heatran is not! He is sprite 1.
So this means you can unlock Heatran, therefore loading his sprite.
Then you enter a Map 177/179 under Map 265, enter it and move into Map 265 to duplicate the sprite.
Issue is, we cannot move outside of the Map or the sprite will be lost. So how will we interact with the duplicated sprite?
I told you earlier we could save reset and the sprites will be saved. So, we will use our good old friend Fake Sinnoh to help us out here!
If we, theorethically, got a Map 265 in a Fake Sinnoh, with map 177 or 179 under it, we could duplicate the Heatran sprite, save reset and be at the real Map 265. Then we could battle and catch both Heatran at once!
While routing something like this might proove very difficult, I used a RAM-editor to show you what this would look like.
Catching more than 2 Heatran isn't possible because a flag is set preventing his sprite to load once you capture him.