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Non-Core Game Glitch Discussion

Glitched Pokémon with Stadium 1 - Page 1

Glitched Pokémon with Stadium 1

Posted by: bnuge2008
Date: 2010-01-13 18:58:04
I have Pokémon Red and Pokémon Stadium with a transfer pak.  I have three questions. 
What happens if I try the Mew/Ditto Glitch or the Old Man Glitch while playing through Stadium's Game Boy Tower?
Mew/Ditto Glitch info at: ;
Old Man Glitch info at:
What happens if I try to use the Red game pak with a glitched Pokémon on Stadium?
And, what happens if I load a glitch Pokémon into Stadium for battles or view it in Oak's Lab?

Re: Glitched Pokémon with Stadium 1

Posted by: Stackout
Date: 2010-01-15 06:46:02
I think the glitch Pokemon will become a Substitute doll when in Stadium (but not in GB Tower), and you won't be able to battle with them.

With Stadium 2, they become Dittos, and if you save the game in Stadium 2, they will permanently become Dittos.

Re: Glitched Pokémon with Stadium 1

Posted by: bnuge2008
Date: 2010-01-15 11:21:07
I thought I read somewhere that Stadium 1 will crash if you try to use a glitch in the GB Tower.  I just wasn't sure if I was risking either of the games. 

Re: Glitched Pokémon with Stadium 1

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2010-01-16 08:26:13

I thought I read somewhere that Stadium 1 will crash if you try to use a glitch in the GB Tower.  I just wasn't sure if I was risking either of the games.

According to multiple sources the most commonly known glitches (Missingno and 'M) appear substitute dolls on Pokémon Stadium I, missingno appears as a purple subtitute doll whilst 'M appears as a blue one. Photographs taken of both of these glitches will not develop at all.
In Stadium II, Missingno will appear as a normal ditto whilst 'M will appear as a 'blue ditto.'

I wouldn't entirely trust these sources though as many of them are written as if 'all glitches are missingno'. The results for other glitches such as LM4 and Q would likely have different effects.

Re: Glitched Pokémon with Stadium 1

Posted by: MissingNO. #1 Master
Date: 2010-01-20 05:09:47
I think it's the same for all glitches.

Re: Glitched Pokémon with Stadium 1

Posted by: Darkness_LordII
Date: 2010-02-03 16:40:36
1. Same as Game Boy except you may see the game saying ''SAVING'' when you encounter missingno. or 'M but it does nothing to the gamepak.

2. Same Thing but beware of glitch pokemon or glitched trainer, sometime it instant crash on the nintendo 64 but not on the game boy

3.Well for me all glitch but one was unable to be played on pokemon stadium 1 (They become unplayable substitute doll). HEX FA for me became a Ditto level 65 with transform (the glitch was level 210). After returning to the game boy game, the glitch was permennatly a level 65 Ditto with transform and no glitching (Except the name). Also, putting a level 0 or 1 on pokemon stadium may transform the pokemon to substitute doll also (LV 100 + pokemon usually become LV 100 thought it is not permanent)

On pokemon stadium 2, all glitch I have tried become different colored ditto