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Non-Core Game Glitch Discussion

Strange Glitch involving Pokémon Yellow and Stadium 2 - Page 1

Strange Glitch involving Pokémon Yellow and Stadium 2

Posted by: .Maguss.
Date: 2014-09-06 17:43:07
This is a really weird glitch that happened to me today, and I didn't find any further information about it anywhere on the internet, except a video on youtube showing it:

When you're gonna trade Pokémon of RBY versions using the Trading Machine in Pokémon Stadium 2, it is supposed to not show any Pokémon at box 13 and 14 since there is no box 13 and 14 on those versions, but it is now showing some random Pokémon with random levels and movesets on my box 13 in Yellow version, as you can see on the pics:

The Pokémon shown changes when you switch the carts positions on the Trading Machine. I also have a Red car, but this happens only with Yellow for me (but I think it can happen with any RBY cart). Does anyone here know anything about this glitch? Any guesses? I'm really worried with that, there are some important things on those carts I did not want to lose.

Notes: all carts are legit, no pirated carts. Also, I didn't make any kind of glitch on those carts.

Re: Strange Glitch involving Pokémon Yellow and Stadium 2

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-09-07 10:34:29
Interesting glitch. TheZZAZZGlitch demonstrated that 255 boxes is theoretically possible, so perhaps the Pokémon seen in Stadium 2 in boxes 13 and 14 would match up with the Pokémon seen in boxes 13 and 14 in Yellow.

The weird Pokémon doesn't surprise me.

Just to put things into perspective, they're probably other areas of the memory 'encoded' as Pokémon data; sort of like opening an MP3 file in Notepad. The game has to calculate the location of the data somehow, say the species, and for out of bounds locations it will likely correspond with an address that's used for something else.

A really simple example would be like this:
Pokémon 1: 64D1
Pokémon 2: 65D1
Pokémon 6: 69D1
End of list: 6AD1

So Pokémon 8 would be 6BD1

But this is actually used for the second species byte of Pokémon 1, so Pokémon 8 would show that. It wouldn't be 'nothing'.

Another example:

The Pokémon base stats data (and starting moves, sprite data, etc.) structure is read like this (except for Mew):

0x0383DE + (DexNumber. - 1) * 0x1C

The last valid entry is Mewtwo, so the end of the data is at 3942A + 1B = 39445. But past 39445 the developers are free to put what they want. Missingno. happens to be located at 0x39FC2 (which is way out of bounds) because 0 underflows to 255, and if you look here its data is actually Biker data read as Pokémon data.

Re: Strange Glitch involving Pokémon Yellow and Stadium 2

Posted by: .Maguss.
Date: 2014-09-07 16:13:11
I got it, but still don't know why the Trading Machine is accessing this data and trying to 'encode' it as Pokémon if it is supposed to not access it (note this only happens on the Trading Machine in Stadium 2, you can't access and use those "Pokémon" on the Cups). And there is a way to fix it without losing all my data?