Pokemon Pinball "Glitch Dimension"
Posted by: kaikun97
Date: 2015-07-21 13:16:08
The memory address is D85B and setting it to a value such as 00 or FF will forcibly restart the game in Gameboy (Original) mode. Screen fade ins/outs are gone and It seems to use whatever palette was last used before as you can see in the following video
D85B also seems to be related to Sound I/O as far as I can tell. There are other addresses in which you can use for the same effect but I found this one first. Quite possibly this will work in many GBC games that are GB compatible if you find a way to restart them like that
And sorry if I don't have a good understanding of this but I wanted to show you what I found :) I made a new youtube channel (GlitchDimention) so that hopefully I can post more stuff like this