8F ASM: turn AF into a deadly weapon depending on play time counter (min+sec)
Posted by: Spoink
Date: 2014-10-12 14:44:08
The Item list/ hexadecimal
TM50 x69 (FA 45)
TM18 x234 (DA EA)
TM39 x192 (EF C0)
TM50 x70 (FA 46)
TM18 x234 (DA EA)
TM40 x192 (F0 C0)
TM01 x*** (C9 **)
The resulting ASM
ld a,($DA45)
ld ($C0EF),a
ld a,($DA46)
ld ($C0F0),a
If you have any questions, comments, or other ASMs related to this, leave a reply.