Easy tool to make 8F setups
Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2017-02-25 12:31:39
[size=12pt]WHAT'S THIS ?[/size]
GBz80 to Items is an online tool that allows you to write 8F item setups very easily.
You just type your code, click a button, and you get an item list. Easy as cake !
It's currently available online at http://issotm.github.io/gbz80toitems3/.
Knowledge of Gameboy assembly is required, this is only intended to replace using The Big HEX List and speed up the process of writing setups.
[size=12pt]I FOUND A BUG ! I HAVE A FEATURE REQUEST ![/size]
No problem ! I have you covered.
If you have a GitHub account, I suggest you go here and create a new issue.
Otherwise, just post your request in the thread. I visit the forums quite often, so I'll probably work on it shortly.
#006 jp mem16 throws "invalid operand $36e0 !"
Legacy stuff :
This is the third version of the compiler I make, and the second I publish.
The old v2 version can be checked out at http://prama-initiative.com/8F/ (version 2.1) and http://prama-initiative.com/8F/beta/ (version 2.2, never finished because shitty code)