simple WRITE command
Posted by: PanCave
Date: 2017-03-09 09:23:53
after figuring out, how to read the german Yellow version, I'm starting to think about coding.
Please note: All addresses are for the german Yellow version. Basically its 0x(address of english Yellow version) + 5 or 0x(adress of english Red/Blue version) + 4
All Items -> Codes are taken from:
I know, that 0xD17B and 0xD17C store the two Bytes of the TID of the first Pokémon in the party.
Let's assume, the Box is correctly setup, such that using ws m will cause the the sp to point at the third item in the bag.
Wouldn't writing a single Byte in RAM possible with:
Lemonade x89 // ld a, 89
TM34 x209
.(player) A A // combined with line 2: ld D17B, a
TM01 xany // ret
Shouldn't this code write '89' @D17B?
And I know that ".(player) A A" can't be bought in the market, but with this code:
ws# #m#
Item you want to change x any
Burn heal x 43
Ice heal x 43
Revive x 201
from this thread
we should be able to have a Max Elixer and keep increasing it's ID until it's ".(player) A A".
I'm not sure, what the code exactly does:
Burn heal x43
Ice heal x43
Revive x201
should mean
inc c 43
dec c 43
dec (hl) 201
What is the purpose of the 43 and 201? And why is there no TM01 for return the sp?
EDIT: The 201 (which is C9 in hex) is obviously the ret statement!
Thank you,