Obtain Mew with arbitrary glitch Pokémon evolution
Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2017-03-17 15:39:49
This is the list of applicable glitch Pokémon, copy and pasted from the wiki article I have just written:
Beginning of pointer table=$3B05C
A (0xEA) (VRAM $8124) It learns certain moves when levelled up with Rare Candies but no moves when levelled up in battle.
Glitch (0xEB) (VRAM $992B)
G'Mp (0xF6) (VRAM $852C)
94 h (0xF9) (VRAM $9A20)
Beginning of pointer table= $3B1E5
'r (0xEA) (VRAM $8124)
4 h 4 (0xEB) (VRAM $992B)
A (0xF6) (VRAM $852C)
(0xF9) (VRAM $9A20)
According to Okk and echinodermata, level up evolutions are read when there is data in the form "01 [level] Pokémon ID]".
In Yellow, after entering a map or saving and resetting, the location of $9A20 may be taken from one of the screen tiles.
Very fortunately, 01 01 15 can be represented by block 09 in Cinnabar Mansion, and when it is at the bottom-left corner of the screen in this spot on 2F you have a chance of evolving (0xF9) into Mew at Level 1 due to the VRAM data representing evolution code to evolve it into Mew. (You must save and reset the game at this spot with your (0xF9))
Sadly for unknown reasons it's only a chance and a rather low chance at that it seems; your (0xF9) may evolve into Q or Nidoran many times but never Mew, until you reset and try again hopefully to get a successful attempt. I don't know why and wonder whether it's to do with VRAM banks.
What's left to do now is test the other locations and whether this works on Red/Blue.
Edit: OK, you should be able to do this with 0xEB too except the data has to be in this green block and I'm not sure how easy that is to do as I couldn't align the 01 tiles and then that tree in the aforementioned map here.
Edit 2: 0xF9 confirmed on Red in addition to Yellow.