Glitch City Laboratories Archives

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Arbitrary Code Execution Discussion

Setting all ailments in-battle - Page 1

Setting all ailments in-battle

Posted by: Parzival
Date: 2017-04-26 18:04:08
So, just to get acquainted with 8F, I made a small script to set the CPU Ailment byte to FF, because why not. I don't think anyone will be interested, but just in case, here you go.
ld a,$FF;
ld [$CFE9],a;

In items, that'd be
Lemonade x255
TM34 x233
TM07 x201

I screwed everything up with one of my earlier tries, which was
push af;
ld a,$FF;
ld [$CFE9],a;
pop af;

I landed at 03:0573, which is an invalid opcode. I don't know what happened before that, because I can't find a way to press a button for one frame while in the BGB debugger.

Re: Setting all ailments in-battle

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2017-04-26 18:28:16
Use the "Joypad" window.