2-Pokémon Yellow ACE setup using 4F item (works in all games now)
Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2017-08-23 17:43:53
Here's an unusual setup for Yellow games only, using 2 Pokémon only (and a third one but temporarly and not in the PC), instead of 10.
You can use the celadon loop trick to get 4F / S3 (german) / P3 (italian) / 3EME ETAGE. You have to perform 4 steps less than for wslm. Original discovery of the behavior of the 4F item is from Tagada67 on PRAMA's board: http://forum.prama-initiative.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=680&p=6192#p6186
4F executes from Echo RAM $FA64. In English games, this is the catch rate of the last Pokémon that visited the Day Care (or the current one). In European non-english games, it's the first current HP byte of that Pokémon.
Note that if you never placed a Pokémon in the Day Care, this item nops until stored Pokémon, so it behaves EXACTLY like wslm, meaning the traditional setup works with 4F. Otherwise, placing (and immediately withdrawing) any lvl25 Pokémon (lvl29 in non-english games) with currently 24 HP will make it jump to stored Pokémon, so it will work also.
Now here's the setup:
English game
- Place and withdraw (or not) at the Day Care a Nidorina (that apparently should not be evolved from a Female Nidoran), with Bite, Fury Swipes, Double Kick and Growl (the first two moves are placeholders and can be something else, the last two are learned)
- Store in the active PC Box:
1. Any lvl25 Pokémon with currently 24 HP, 33 PP currently for the first AND second move, 19 PP currently for the third move (3 PP Up used) and no fourth move or no PP currently on it
2. Clefairy, Male Nidoran or Spearow (among many possibilities) with 233 HP
- Execute code with your items
WRA1:DA64 78 ld a,b
WRA1:DA65 2C inc l
WRA1:DA66 9A sbc d
WRA1:DA67 18 2E jr DA97
WRA1:DA97 18 19 jr DAB2
WRA1:DAB2 21 21 D3 ld hl,D321
WRA1:DAB5 00 nop
WRA1:DAB6 04 inc b
WRA1:DAB7 00 nop
WRA1:DAB8 E9 jp hl
European non-english game
- Place and withdraw (or not) a lvl80 Pokémon with currently 24 HP in the Day Care.
- Store in the active PC Box:
1. Any Pokémon with 33 PP currently for the first move, 38 PP currently for the second move, 19 PP currently for the third move (3 PP Up used) and no fourth move or no PP currently on it
2. Clefairy, Male Nidoran or Spearow (among many possibilities) with 233 HP
- Execute code with your items
WRA1:DA64 00 nop
WRA1:DA65 18 50 jr DAB7
WRA1:DAB7 21 26 D3 ld hl,D326
WRA1:DABA 00 nop
WRA1:DABB 04 inc b
WRA1:DABC 00 nop
WRA1:DABD E9 jp hl
This setup is still perfectible though so don't hesitate if you can improve it :D