Pokémon Red and Blue Memory Viewer Revisited
Posted by: FarruZero
Date: 2018-03-08 00:37:58
Despite my Z80 skills, I have tried reverse engineering the original ASM code by Princess Torchic ❤ so that anyone interested can learn it. I have attached my ASM file, as well as the binary code / the XY positions for the English and Spanish versions. The Spanish version starts at address $DA85 and the reason is that, for some strange reason, most RAM addresses are shifted 5 bytes in this version.
I have also included the SAV files for both versions to be tested on emulator. I have also tried it on real console.
As a matter of fact, you can skip the tedious ACE process by taking the SAV file and putting it directly to your catridge using some back-up method detailed in the following link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Gameboy/comments/4w8xjf/guide_how_to_backup_your_game_save_files/.
This procedure can be applied to the other game localizations provided you know the corresponding addresses and the Joypad Low Sensitivity address and thus modifying the ASM file. It assembles with tniASM, which is a free assembler/disassembler.