Make every 1.Gen into a 2.Gen Shiny Pokemon - no "abnormal" pokemon
Posted by: Scroogeduck
Date: 2019-11-05 15:58:14
I couldnt find an itemlist for this, so i thought i make a new post.
(Sorry when this is in 2.Gen Part, i didnt check all posts in 2.Gen ACE, maybe this is there but i think we are doing only things in 1.Gen so it should be here.)
You can change every pokemon in 1.Generation into a 2.Generation Pokemon with trading. You have to change the PokeID and the types.
So lets started:
(I started a few weeks ago with ACE in Pokemon, so maybe the itemlists are bad, feel free to make them better :).
I tried to use no same item in both itemlists. The itemlists are for non-english european yellow version. So the adresses have to be changed -5 for english yellow.)
I made it in YELLOW version.
Let us say we want to have a shiny raikou.:
First check this side:
Here you see which ID you need for your pokemon that you want.
Let us say we want Raikou. You see Raikou has in 1.Gen "AC".
So with this itemlist, we will make our first Pokemon in our Pokemonparty into a Raikou.
any x any
Lemonade x 172 (for raikou "172" is hex value "AC")
Pokeball x 22
TM09 x 66
Awakening x 104
Ultra Ball x 20
Repel x 111
Exp-all x 20
Potion x 2
TM01 x any
ld a, (AC) -> ID for Raikou)
inc b
ld d, D1
ld b,d
ld c, 68
ld (bc),a
inc d
ld e, 6F
ld c, e
inc d
inc d
ld (bc), a
2. Next we have to change the Type of our first pokemon.
Raikou is a "one" Type Pokemon. So in the memory both adresses have the same Value. Electro is hex value 17:
any x any
carbos x 209
X Accuracy x 117
Repel x 23 (->ElektroType)
Fresh Water x 115
TM01 x any
ld h, D1
ld l, 75
ld e, 17 (-> value for elektro type)
inc a
ld (hl), e
After using wsm one time, i toss one X accuracy away and use again for (Type 2 then Type 1)
3. Now we can use a shiny itemlist, there are some different here in the forum, just pick one you want to use :).
PLEASE NOTE: Do not check the "summary/Status" of your first pokemon , coz your game can freeze. If you do in emulator it doesnt matter, on 3DS or real cartridge i recommend not to check.
4. Now we have to trade the pokemon into a second gen.
Now you can see the "Raikou" with your second Gen.
Sometimes the screen is a little big buggy at the beginning when you trade on your yellow cartridge, but just click some times A Button.
When the pokemon arrives in 2.Gen you have your shiny Raikou or what Pokemon ever you want (Celebi is not possible with that.)
NOTE FOR 3DS: I was very stupid, i didnt read the text in poke transporter, i thought i cant transfer it. But you only have to remove the item, then all works :)).
Have fun and have a nice evening guys