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Arbitrary Code Execution Discussion

ACE on Original Cart - Page 1

ACE on Original Cart

Posted by: Blendy
Date: 2020-02-05 10:37:11
I read that ace can be dangerous, Will It some way corrupt the Game? (Ps: i don't care about my save, just the game,)
I know that ROM stands for ReadOnlyMemory, but It can get corrupted by accidents(falling, getting water in, etc). Could some part of It/of the ram get corrupted with NO WAY of ever playing on that cart again?(without external tools)

Re: ACE on Original Cart

Posted by: CasualPokePlayer
Date: 2020-02-05 14:21:39
I am 99% sure there is no way to corrupt the save to the point you can't get to the "wipe save data" screen… even if there is a way, that wouldn't stop you from simply taking out the battery for a while to wipe the SRAM.

Re: ACE on Original Cart

Posted by: iTNZ
Date: 2020-02-05 17:56:56
I mean if you go all out and do some wild stuff then, yes?

Re: ACE on Original Cart

Posted by: CytricAcid
Date: 2020-02-06 17:49:21
I believe the only way you could damage anything on cart is turning off the screen during vblank, but i highly doubt you'd do that on accident.

Re: ACE on Original Cart

Posted by: Couldntthinkofaname
Date: 2020-02-07 10:07:31
If you are not concerned with the risks of your save file as a result of carelessness, there should not be any damage to the cartridge.

Nintendo required that all cartridges check for vblank before shutting off the screen due to concerns for potential damage. Even then, you would have to making a conscious repeated effort to damage your gameboy in that way. For perspective, a common RST 38 error will write a value that will shutoff the screen, probably while the screen is still drawing.

Re: ACE on Original Cart

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2020-02-12 05:48:55

I read that ace can be dangerous, Will It some way corrupt the Game? (Ps: i don't care about my save, just the game,)
I know that ROM stands for ReadOnlyMemory, but It can get corrupted by accidents(falling, getting water in, etc). Could some part of It/of the ram get corrupted with NO WAY of ever playing on that cart again?(without external tools)

I think at the most it could damage the save file; ROM is susceptible bit rot/overheating etc. but in short, it should be safe if you don't mind about the save file. If following instructions (which can be very precise), things should go OK; but the trouble is they can be very precise (e.g. I've seen someone not get Coin Case to work because of a very slight typo like d/'d they overlooked - it's fortunate there you usually get just a Glitch Dimension). On cart, you're generally safe except for physical damage.

On Virtual Console, it's much the same; however, I've noticed often when the striped bars freeze happen I'd seem to more often than not lose my save file. There, a precaution is apparently secured by flashing a Pokémon's summary(?). I'm unsure the full story with Virtual Console, as it is possible for a glitch to freeze the Virtual Console emulator ; if it's given that authority I don't discount there could be an escape method; but it seems it would have to be elaborate(?), i.e. I think I got it with a bad map in Gold/Silver.