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Project "Gotta Document 'Em All"

Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!" - Page 1

Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2016-11-16 08:48:43
This is a project dedicated to updating the wiki to include the newest glitches, many of which for the first three generations are on the ChickasaurusGL, CrystaL12RG, Metarkrai M and TheZZAZZGlitch Youtube channels.

This task usually requires much time and research or lots of paraphrasing but to make it much easier, I give you all permission to copy my Youtube video descriptions for ChickasaurusGL word for word on to their own articles (which we can modify to remove things like "in this video"), as long as you add an afttribution notice in <!– –> tags but only for use Glitch City Wiki articles.

Note: We are not allowed to copy from Bulbapedia as these articles are from multiple authors and we do not have their permission. Even though Bulbapedia:Copyrights doesn't specifically say you can't if you 'attribute it to them', it's not nice and they might be following the CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 license.

Lists of all glitches:

One task for Project Gotta Document 'Em All is to create 'master lists' for all glitches in a generation. Bulbapedia have already done this to a good degree, and I remember that one of the users of this forum was looking for one.

When creating lists of glitches, it's important to know which glitches are 'stand-alone' (natural glitches) and which glitches require another glitch to work.

For this reason, I suggest we create two sets of glitch lists; for every generation a list of natural glitches by generation (x) and a list of glitch derivatives by generation (x). Thanks to Crystal_ we have a thread for natural glitches in Generation I and I have already listed many of these natural glitches in its own article.

In the past the glitches which require another glitch to work were referred to as "tricks", so depending on Abwayax's decision it may be a good idea to call the glitch derivatives like "old man trick", "Celebi trick" tricks. Regardless, many people call glitch derivatives/tricks "glitches", and two of Bulbapedia's articles for glitch derivatives are "old man glitch" (derivative of the left-facing shore tile glitch) and "Celebi Egg glitch" (derivative of the bad clone glitch).

Previously templates were used for major, miscellaneous glitches, and minor glitches, but echinodermata pointed out that what distinguishes miscellaneous and minor glitches is rather subjective. I think for this reason it may be a good idea to eventually create templates for natural glitches per generation and separate templates for derivatives of a certain glitch.

I suggest natural glitches should have two categories; [[Category:Natural glitches]] and [[Category:Generation (x) natural glitches]] where (x) is the roman numeral generation number (I-VII) and other glitches should have at least one (e.g. [[Category:Generation (x) glitches]]).


Sometimes when creating articles about glitches such as lists, it's nice to use a table. Fortunately there is an online tool that will convert Excel spreadsheets into wiki format, making this normally time-consuming task much easier.

Re: Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2016-11-16 18:23:57
I'm definitely in to help out, most of my time will be restricted to either
Monday's or Tuesday's so that's just a heads up. I sent you a message on
Skype Torchickens so if I need some guidance expect me to be coming your
way (really  ;))

Re: Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: camper
Date: 2016-11-16 20:57:52
"Left-facing shore tile glitch" shares the same cause as "Viridian Forest no-encounter grass tiles" glitch. Should we group them together and give them a new name?

Re: Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: Charmy
Date: 2016-11-17 02:34:34
I will help, when I have time, as Sun and Moon comes out tomorrow, I will have less time. But I'm ready to help.
Currently, I edited the ACE page and added some information on the new way in Crystal.

Re: Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2016-11-17 07:14:28

"Left-facing shore tile glitch" shares the same cause as "Viridian Forest no-encounter grass tiles" glitch. Should we group them together and give them a new name?

Good question. I will group them as "2x2 block encounter glitches".

Re: Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2016-11-18 18:34:30
I'm for reserving "trick" to glitches needing specific actions from the player.

Old man trick fits, Mew glitch fits, but not ZZAZZ trick, for example.

Re: Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: Yeniaul
Date: 2017-01-10 10:31:09
I can help, but only from 6:00 to 7:00 AM and 4:00 to 6:00 PM, not that anyone cares… Anyway, I propose we reserve "tricks" for things that are easy to pull off and cannot break things to an extent that the game cannot be restarted if saved, can wipe a save, or cannot be easily fixed (which would entail no 8F or equivalent) because most newer members start with the "tricks" when diving into replicating glitches.

Re: Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: Yeniaul
Date: 2017-01-10 16:10:03
(I am bumping AND adding info; please excuse the double-posting.)
I'm currently working on making the Select Glitch page a sort of disambiguation AND article, you can find the rough-draft at /wiki/Select_glitch_unfinished_conversion

Re: Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2017-01-10 17:23:40

I can help, but only from 6:00 to 7:00 AM and 4:00 to 6:00 PM, not that anyone cares… Anyway, I propose we reserve "tricks" for things that are easy to pull off and cannot break things to an extent that the game cannot be restarted if saved, can wipe a save, or cannot be easily fixed (which would entail no 8F or equivalent) because most newer members start with the "tricks" when diving into replicating glitches.

(I am bumping AND adding info; please excuse the double-posting.)
I'm currently working on making the Select Glitch page a sort of disambiguation AND article, you can find the rough-draft at /wiki/Select_glitch_unfinished_conversion

Thanks for this! I've made a few edits and moved the new page over already.

Re: Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: Yeniaul
Date: 2017-01-10 17:29:01
Hmmm… what to work on next… I'll give one of the Dexes a whirl.
EDIT: WOW. You guys are on the ball. Every time I think of a page, it's already been fixed.

Re: Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2017-01-14 08:35:40
I confirm the "top 3 pixel rows animated" glitch on a DMG running Yellow. We still need a screenshot.

[EDIT] Could this also work with Screech ?

Re: Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: VaeporSage
Date: 2017-01-14 20:32:47
I never really got around to documenting my old Pomeg stuff properly on the Wiki. It'd be nice for the GCL Wiki to become the #1 go-to resource for glitching info over Bulbapedia (even if my stuff is by and large a footnote at this point). I'll chip in at some stage lol

Re: Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: Yeniaul
Date: 2017-01-21 17:34:53
So… this is why we need better page checking.
It almost seems like it was written by an 8-yr old, but that might just be me. Gonna rewrite…
EDIT: Rewrote, but the page layout is now COMPLETELY screwed… whoops.

Re: Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2017-01-22 11:23:46

So… this is why we need better page checking.
It almost seems like it was written by an 8-yr old, but that might just be me. Gonna rewrite…
EDIT: Rewrote, but the page layout is now COMPLETELY screwed… whoops.

I think I may have fixed it somehow by making an edit without changing the summary. Perhaps unapproved edits may show up wrong.

Re: Project "Gotta Document 'Em All!"

Posted by: Charmy
Date: 2017-01-22 15:29:11

So… this is why we need better page checking.
It almost seems like it was written by an 8-yr old, but that might just be me. Gonna rewrite…
EDIT: Rewrote, but the page layout is now COMPLETELY screwed… whoops.

This is why we have a "Undo revision" function on our wiki.