Bluelatios's team
Posted by: Bluelatios
Date: 2007-06-22 15:04:48
lvl 100 Latios they are only SOME of my lvl 100's that I have spent hours upon hours of
fighting the elite 4 on with exp. share attached! I use this team in the battle
lvl 100 Swampert frontier along with, Lapras and Flareon. I also have Mewtwo, Kyogre and
Groudon and on my Ruby version, Wigglytuff and my 2nd lvl 100, Altaria which
lvl 100 Metagross both kinda suck so I don't use them much. all the Pokemon that I mentioned
are ALL lvl 100 without cheats! (yeah I worked REALLY hard! ;D)
lvl 100 Articuno
lvl 100 Heracross
lvl 100 Dragonite