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Video Game Glitches Discussion

Age of Time Glitches - Page 1

Age of Time Glitches

Posted by: Ashandmisty
Date: 2009-03-20 08:37:15
You may have been wondering where I have been all this time? Well I've been doing glitches on this MMO game called Age of time. It is very glitchy.

Animation and speed glitches/tricks:

Twisted animations = Hold either A or D and jump. While in the air press either the following: V + A + S or V + A + L. You will either lounge or sit in a wierd position!

Superslow = Press the ? button (left of 1) and type the following: $movementspeed=0.1; You will move very slowly!

Reversed controls = Same as above only it's: $movementspeed=0/0;

Game dynamics:

Daytime = Press the ? button (left of 1) and type the following: clientcmdsyncstarttime(0); It will instantly be day!

Nighttime = Same as above but the command is: clientcmdsyncstarttime(1500000);

Player and Item related:

Flying glitch = You will need the hook. Go to the shop and get up into the rafters. Walk slowly to the edge of one of the pices of wood and sit. Equip your hook and press f8. Turn the camera COMPLETELY round so you can see the face of your player. Left click and you will shoot your hook and be suspended in midair. Unequip your hook and wait till the line disapears. Voila! (NOTE: this doesnt actully make you be able to fly anywhere, you will just be floating in midair untill you move.)

Arena glitch/infinite health and no enemy spawns = You will need a horse. Ride up to the arena and park the horse LENGTHWAYS in the black area (it doesnt have to be lengthways, it just helps though). Get off and check you can enter the arena. Walk sideways facing the horse into the arena and as soon as you begin to tele, press E twice and get on and off the horse. This can be tricky. Youll notice that you cant move but you can control the horse (ghostrider lol!) Get someone to sit on the horse and youll be able to move. Press f2 and it will say your in the arena when your not! No enemys will spawn near you. Enemys CAN hurt you but other players cant (basically infinite health to player attacks, including spells!) PLEASE NOTE: Entering any area that is labelled (has a name at the top of the screen) will disable the glitch. Examples are: Port Town, Swamp, Log challenge, Woods, The arena itself and so on.

Shop glitch = You will need fiber. Do the 'shop entrance glitch'. Plant fiber in the black area and stand on it. When it has grown for about 10min hold jump. Wait for it to grow more and youll go through to the shop model. Work your way to the main building model. PLEASE NOTE: You have to suicide to get out!

Shop entrance glitch = Go in the shop. Walk out the entrance sideways SLOWLY. It may take a few trys but eventully you will be in the black area where you tele into the shop.

Hi Marshal! = You will need fiber. Plant the fiber underneath Marshall's cage in the jail area and stand on it. Wait for it to grow about 10min then hold jump. Eventually youll go threw the ceiling and into her cage.

Get into Bakery/Armoury = This glitch will allow you to get into the bakery in Port Town. This will also work with the armory. plant a fiber at the side of it, then run at it on a horse. Log out and in to dismount under the low roof. ~Credit to Jetz~

Hook onto the air = Stand ontop of the arena (or anywhere thats flat and you can use spells), shoot your hook straight upwards. Quickly face directly down, jump and shoot your ball spell over and over untill you have a fair bit of height. The hook should fall and hit you, it will then allow you to swing around in the air. ~Credit to Jetz~

Get swallowed by a wall = Stand on the wooden thing in the policestation where you get the law guide. Shoot your NORMAL hook towards the ramp down. You will lay on your back diagonally. Press V+S+E to sleep and you will be sucked into a wall! Wait for the hook to snap and you will be hidden.

Spawn monsters in Port Town = You need 3 people. Label the people 1, 2 and 3. Get 1 to buy a horse and use it in the Wilderness. Number 3 must commit suicide. Let number 2 pick up number 3 and sit on the p****enger side of the horse. Drive the horse from the wilderness to port town (notice that 1 and 2's screen will say Port Town but 3's won't). Because the server thinks 3 is in the wilderness, monsters will spawn in Port Town.

Throw people under anywhere = Suicide then get someone to pick you up. Respawn but dont move, you should still be in the death animation. Without moving, get out your sword and hold it down untill fully charged then let go. You can move now. Get someone to baton someone else or kill someone else, pick up the body or corpse and throw them at the ground. They should fall through.

Use spells in the Ring = This is hard to do and to explain. You need a friend you can trust. Get them wanted and both of you go inside the Arena. Give them a hard hit with the baton then pick them up. As you walk out, spam action and stopAction (e and ctrl e, you dont need a script). If you time it right the person who is stunned will still be in the arena although it says they're in the wilderness. Now you have to do it with the ring entrance. If you muck it up you have to go back to the beginning so this glitch may take some time to do.