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Video Game Glitches Discussion

The 256 forms of Mario - Page 1

The 256 forms of Mario

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-08-27 08:41:09
I had an idea based off another topic around here. The code 01XXC5C1 can change Mario's power up status, right? So I was thinking I could mess around a little with it. I'm gonna try as many HEX values each day as I can, and post up the results. Other people can help if they wish!

HEX00: Small Mario
HEX01: Big Mario
HEX02: Strange, glitched thing, animated, unusable.
HEX03: Game resets
HEX04: Green glitches thing, animated, unusable.
HEX05: Game resets
HEX06: Game resets
HEX07: Game resets
HEX08: Emulator crashes.
HEX09: Game resets
HEX0A: Game resets
HEX0B: Game resets
HEX0C: Game resets
HEX0D: Game resets
HEX0E: Game resets
HEX0F: Game resets

So far, I found out the animated glitched things, they can be playable, but only if you want the screen to scroll up and left oddly, and then die. The screenshots provided are at the file select screen.

Re: The 256 forms of Mario

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2009-08-27 12:39:11
What happens if you hit a block that would give out a mushroom/fire flower?

Re: The 256 forms of Mario

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-08-27 13:38:36
Could the hexes turn Mario into Bowser?

Re: The 256 forms of Mario

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-08-27 14:11:13

What happens if you hit a block that would give out a mushroom/fire flower?
You hear the Sound effect, no change on Mario's sprite.

Could the hexes turn Mario into Bowser?
I do not know.  I plan on doing HEX 10-1F tomorrow. We will not know the results until we get there. Most of these seem to be game resets at the moment.

Re: The 256 forms of Mario

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2009-08-27 14:26:42
What if you get hit?

Re: The 256 forms of Mario

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-08-27 16:25:42
Out of the usable ones I used so far:

Small Mario: you die

Big Mario: The sound effect for powering down to small happens, but your size doesn't change, and you can sustain multiple hits. Meaning, the only ways to die are falling down a hole or having the timer go to 0.

EDIT: Next 16 HEX values ready!

HEX10: Game resets
HEX11: Game resets
HEX12: Game resets
HEX13: Game resets
HEX14: Strange Green Part-Mario's head, unusable
HEX15: Glitch blocks, unusable
HEX16: Game resets
HEX17: Game resets
HEX18: Game resets
HEX19: Game resets
HEX1A: Game resets
HEX1B: Game resets
HEX1C: Game resets
HEX1D: Game resets
HEX1E: Game resets
HEX1F: Emulator crash

Re: The 256 forms of Mario

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2009-09-01 06:20:24

Out of the usable ones I used so far:

Small Mario: you die

Big Mario: The sound effect for powering down to small happens, but your size doesn't change, and you can sustain multiple hits. Meaning, the only ways to die are falling down a hole or having the timer go to 0.

This would be because you have the cheat code on. Also why you cannot turn into fire mario.
The cheat code makes it a constant, rather than a variable.

If you were wanting to change the variable rather than causing a constant - If you open the VBA Memory Viewer and go to offset C1C5, the value will be your current state.

This probably won't help you but I just wanted to inform you (as a kind and caring admin ;))

Re: The 256 forms of Mario

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-09-01 06:33:48
The intentions were just to see what each code does to Mario. Dunno if this will help the site out or not. If it doesn't, then I'll just have had fun.

HEX20: Game resets
HEX21: Game resets
HEX22: Game resets
HEX23: Game resets
HEX24: Game resets
HEX25: Strange pixel thing, unusable
HEX26: Game resets
HEX27: Emulator crashes
HEX28: Game resets
HEX29: Game resets
HEX2A: Game resets
HEX2B: Game resets
HEX2C: Glitched looking Mario, unusable
HEX2D: Two green….things. Freezes game.
HEX2E: Game resets
HEX2F: Game resets

Re: The 256 forms of Mario

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-10-30 16:58:11
I decided to get back into it. Meh.

HEX30: Game reset
HEX31: Game reset
HEX32: Game freezes
HEX33: Strange green Mario, unusable
HEX34: Game reset
HEX35: Game reset
HEX36: Game reset
HEX37: Game reset
HEX38: Game reset
HEX39: Game reset
HEX3A: Strange green Mario, unusable
HEX3B: Game reset
HEX3C: Game reset
HEX3D: Game reset
HEX3E: Game reset
HEX3F: Game reset

¬¬ Some thread this is… all the glitched Marios result in death, and all the rest are either freezing or resets, minus the first two (00, 01)