Mega Man X reset glitch
Posted by: IttyBitty
Date: 2010-03-27 00:13:07
Now I'm not sure if this glitch appears on the SNES version (not mine, at least) or only on ROMs or emulators (forgive me on the topic of emulators, etc.- I have zero experience with them, or their terminology).
But here's the gist of it.
In most every video I've seen, the levels will play normally until the player fires their X-buster at something that deflects it (i.e. the igloos in Chill Penguin's stage, Chill Penguin when he's sliding/about to slide). When they do so, the screen fades out, and fades back in to the "You got *insert weapon here*!" screen. From here, the game will occasionally go back to the level select screen. More often, though, the screen fades out, and then fades back in to the HIGHWAY stage instead- the intro stage. The player will retain whatever weapon they just got, but any upgrades (such as the dash upgrade) will vanish mysteriously.
I actually find it quite funny to listen to the people in the videos freaking out. But I digress. :P
Occasionally, the 'reset' seems random- no deflection or anything, just resets for no particular reason. My curiosity is up- considering my lack of any kind of specialized technology other than an SNES, a PS2, and a copy of the original game and of X collection, I figured this would be the best place to hunt for more info.
Has anyone else heard of this glitch? Or know why it occurs? Or when?
Edit: And on the topic of Mega Man X glitches, X3's Tunnel Rhino just flew through the wall and vanished. And the screen was still shaking. And the sound effects kept coming. And when I fired at the wall he went through, it killed him. O_o What did I DO?