Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut Glitch Documenting thread.
Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2013-06-16 02:17:11
Sonic Adventure DX is actually heavily criticized. It was a messy port of a great Dreamcast game and recieved worse reviews than the original. For some reason, the game was made glitchier than the original. While some glitches were fixed, others were added for some strange reason. Many of them related to making a statue outside of the Hamburger store in Station Square solid, allowing it to push players through invisible walls.
This thread will be a collection of content and hopefully screenshots and videos of some glitches. I don't have the 2012 PC port and probably won't get it as I already own the 2004 one. If you have it though, please do confirm if any of the glitches that will be posted here work. I hope to eventually put this stuff up on the wiki.
I want to also note that some glitches won't work on the 2004 PC version as it apparently had some bug fixes. There are also missing objects in the PC version which can also prohibit proper use of glitches. (you can get the gamecube set files on MainMemory's website if you want them, which will restore the missing objects. I'll post a link at the bottom of the post if you want them.)
Now for glitches:
Tails in Emerald Coast:
This glitch is pretty easy to do in the gamecube version. There's also technically alternate methods to doing this as well.
In Windy and Ripply, he seemingly falls to his death transported out of bounds. A single spring sits out here by the way seemingly having no purpose since you couldn't make the jump if you tried.
However, unlike other characters, as soon as Tails reaches this part of the level the game warps him back to station square. This is because the game thinks the cutscene involving him being rescued by Sonic has been triggered and thus sends him back to Station Square.
Knuckles in Emerald Coast:
This glitch requires the Hamburger statue mentioned above. You'll see this in the video. You basically use it to push knuckles through the barrier. Like before, entering Windy and Ripply doesn't work right and you end up warping into the abyss outside of the level. This happens because the game has no starting point data for characters other than Sonic.
Unlike Tails, you die. On your next life you spawn bouncing on the spring floating here and forced to look on as the real level taunts you from a distance, just too far away to glide to. The only way out is to exit the level, reset the game, or lose all your lives.
Amy Rose in Emerald Coast:
The method in the video above requires hammer jump. There's also the hamburger statue method described above for Knuckles which works as well. The part of the level with the whale is a little tricky to get past. If you stop at the right place, you can hammer jump over the trigger to activate the whale and thus get to windy and ripply. This is the only way to get past the whale. (it's shown in the video)
Speed Overwrite Glitch:
To do this, simply jump on a speed up item while another speed up item is active. This will allow you to permanently keep your previous speed increase. This happens because the game stores your old speed in another spot of the code. When the speed shoe ends, it loads the previous speed value. However, you can take advantage of this in the game by getting a speed shoe after having one active at the same time. It writes the speed of the first speed shoe into that same spot of code, overwriting your original speed.
Thus, you can retain this speed throughout the level. This works in Sonic Adventure 2 as well but is more abusable in Sonic adventure 1/DX. The best place to do this would be the first part of Speed Highway as Sonic as there are three speed shoes in this entire level and you can potentially reach the others before time runs out on the previous one.
Tails in Casinopolis Early Glitch:
Do the glitch to get tails into Emerald coast but don't head for emerald coast. instead head towards the casino area warp of the hotel by flying to it. Be careful not to fall. Once there, you can proceed to Casinopolis. Beat the level and you'll be stuck in the casino area forever. You'll need to start a new save if you want to play through the game properly as Tails. Go to trial mode and you'll see that Tails is selectable. However, he'll either go to the first level of the last character viewed or played as last. Tails will go to their first level. Generally, this will result in Tails falling to his death instantly (at least when the last character was Big the cat or Amy anyway as Twinkle Park is kinda buggy in this regard.) When E-102 Gamma was the last character, Tails will be able to play the third part of Final Egg. It will use Sonic's layout however. Note that you'll need to complete the first level of the respective character in story mode to be able to access them in trial mode.
Likewise, if sonic is the last character, Tails will be able to enter Emerald Coast. Choosing tails will allow him to play his proper first level. (he'll still be stuck though technically as the story was broken)
Choosing Tails again after beating any level or losing all your lives without looking at another character will result in him being sent into the Hedgehog Hammer subgame as it's the first map listed internally (Stage00) You can't play Hedgehog hammer and the room is closed off so this level has no point. It's not the actual room on the egg carrier, but a duplicate instead. Unlike most other levels characters can't access normally, Tails can actually complete Final Egg.
Knuckles In Casinopolis Early:
Similar to the above. Completing it before completing speed highway will break the story and cause Knuckles to be stranded in the past forever. Like before, you can also use this to get knuckles into levels he shouldn't be in. Including Windy Valley three if tails was the last character looked at. You can also get Knuckles into Final Egg 3 as well doing this and he can explore it more since he can climb walls. Unlike most other levels characters can't normally access, Knuckles can complete Windy Valley and Final Egg.
What you've saw so far is only the tip of the iceberg my friends. There are a lot more glitches to cover in this game. Right now though, I'm sleepy. Also, as promised, here's those gamecube set files for you pc version players:
Credit to MainMemory for taking the time to get these for PC players to use.