Gah! GRRR! THIS IS VERY ag-er-vat-ing!
Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-05-20 20:01:12
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Um, I'm going to try it. But it's a brand new game. :-/
EDIT:Didn't work. -_- Time for exchange. I hope it's not my PS2!
Turns out I needed a skinny one. *Sighs*
Um, I'm going to try it. But it's a brand new game. :-/
EDIT:Didn't work. -_- Time for exchange. I hope it's not my PS2!
My PS2 used to have Disk Read Errors all the time, and we messed around with everything inside of the PS2 over 9000 times, finally I had to just buy a new one.
Sometimes PS2s are just faulty like that.