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Video Games Discussion

Game Boy Game Genie codes? - Page 2

Re: Game Boy Game Genie codes?

Posted by: xtreme713ify
Date: 2018-04-12 23:48:56
I'd like to reignite this thread because I've taken interest in Game Genie again. I have an updated code list which I'll post soon. I have two  pages of codes for Wario Land, it's ridiculous. I've managed to do some crazy stuff in tandem with these codes. I've found secret paths and glitchy underworlds, maybe I'll start a thread about it. I got some codes for Pokemon too, but not too many unfortunately.

Re: Game Boy Game Genie codes?

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2018-04-13 09:40:25
Nice look forward to seeing them :)

Interestingly enough I wrote these the other day:

English Pokémon Red

Replace Oak's intro Nidorino: XX1-6D9-7F4

English Pokémon Yellow

Replace Oak's intro Pikachu: XXE-DBA-B3B

I think the Pokémon Yellow one won't work though on a physical Game Genie though with it supporting DMG games only.

Re: Game Boy Game Genie codes?

Posted by: xtreme713ify
Date: 2018-04-13 17:37:28
Something odd occurred when I tried the Pokemon Red Code you posted. I tried to do it with Mewtwo because I thought it would be funny, but then after scrolling the text I was transported to the house that was robbed by Team Rocket in Cerulean City. The Mt. Moon theme was playing and I couldn't move very far before getting stuck.

Also, what will happen if you use glitch Pokemon that are normally unviewable, such as *female symbol*? Maybe one of the glitch trainers might show up, that'd be pretty funny.

Re: Game Boy Game Genie codes?

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2018-04-13 19:31:17

Something odd occurred when I tried the Pokemon Red Code you posted. I tried to do it with Mewtwo because I thought it would be funny, but then after scrolling the text I was transported to the house that was robbed by Team Rocket in Cerulean City. The Mt. Moon theme was playing and I couldn't move very far before getting stuck.

Also, what will happen if you use glitch Pokemon that are normally unviewable, such as *female symbol*? Maybe one of the glitch trainers might show up, that'd be pretty funny.

That's weird. It worked properly for me (although I was using an emulator).

It brings up the glitch Pokémon and not the Trainer and a lot of glitch Pokémon just bring up no sprite (including freeze glitch Pokémon which is a shame :(). I haven't found one that freezes the intro yet but have noticed a few cause a delay before the speech and/or flip the sprites.

Re: Game Boy Game Genie codes?

Posted by: xtreme713ify
Date: 2018-04-18 23:11:54
Wario Land
A92 34B 33D Glitches map, makes Wario invisible on File Select
810 49B — (add D55 to this code the neutralize FX) glitch effects after enemies die.
*6DA-B6F-9A2 Makes Wario disappear mid-jump, and fall from the sky.  Enough messing with code can cause you to go into Limbo, out of the playable area.
2A8 4CB D5E EE6 1st level restarts game
102 3C9 11E Messes up Intro, but nothing else
4DD 0B9 665 Pirate Gooms right walking animations are glitchy, random objects appear.
6FA 23B EE8 Slightly changes level design of Level 1 (havent tested other levels), glitches map, prevents climbing ladders.
920 62B BAF Most enemies disappear
989 33F F40 Creates invisible wall in first level
998 52B 980 Glitchy sounds, enemies always thrown to the right, even when facing left.
788 52B EA0 Similar to above
*57C FDE 07B 317 53C FE4 umm I legit cannot think of a way to describe what this code does try hitting a block. (CAUTION- MAY ERASE FILES- HAVENT FULLY TESTED)
719 BEE C91 Turns ladders into trampolines.
97B 52B 99C Enemy erase code.
*865 22B 88C Messes up certain levels, minorly or majorly, it varies.
806 22A 119 glitches intro and nothing else, similar to 102 3C9 11E
8FD C4A AAD glitches intro, POSSIBLY increases Warios speed (cant really tell)
081 D5B 667 Prevents powering up, make certain enemies disappear.
881 BBC 431 All enemies are gone, including bosses.
00F 77A 450 Messes up file select majorly.
3E7 4CC 24A Wario temporarily turns invisible after jumping, causes glitchy effects.
4E6 25F CCD Makes the beginning of the level glitchy, however when you walk off and come back, effects disappear.
870 809 223 glitches file select (similar to 00F 77A 450)
*B4B 21B AAB changes level design, similar to 865 22B 88C
E53 C29 070 glitches file select
BBB BBB BBB glitches map
82D C1A 576 if you jump, you can run into enemies for insta, like youre using an attack. You cant break blocks, however.  Level  2 of rice beach is glitched.
4BD 32A 23B when you try to move Wario across the map, it doesnt show him moving, but he still moves.
1A4 6F8 245 choose a file: I dare you. Really badly. (I don't remember what this one does, do this on an emulator just in case)
234 429 glitches title screen and changes 1st and 2nd level music.
234 438 again, try selecting a file. Only this time it doesnt do anything.
01B 45F 770 you still jump like normal, but you fall really fast.
01A 22B 32C scrambles level design of Rice Beach 1, and when you throw enemies to the left they disappear.
343 32C 567 when enemies walk the farthest to the right that they can, they get stuck.
7F7 5BA 070 if you bump into a wall with your attack, you get stuck.
010 F09 34D glitches title screenand the map isdisabled, I guess?
13C 31B 31B bump into enemies from the right (while not using your attack) and theyll fling a couple tiles down.
3D0 64D DE5 crashes if you hit a block
3B3 20A 35E jumping on enemies crashes game. You can still attack them or throw them after bumping them , though.
356 71A 467 prevents you from using your attack when facing left

I put an asterisk next to all the codes that have insane effects. The first one I marked specifically has allowed me to glitch under the world, find secret areas, and a bunch of other stuff. We could dedicate an entire thread to the stuff I've found honestly.

Re: Game Boy Game Genie codes?

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2018-08-22 18:10:33
I made a few more Pokémon Red codes by stubbing out parts of the game's routines:

Ghosts don't have ghost sprite and can attack you. Can't attack them

Battle corruption, if wild battle "invisible battle" mode

My favourite so far:

'Instant win' every battle, similar to Gold/Silver behavior for having no available Pokémon on the field

Edit: Going to add more as I find them

This one stubs out ReadTrainer (0E:5C53) which may result in all Trainers having Charizard 'M with excessive HP


These fun codes max out Magikarp's base stats to 255, however the physical Game Genie can only enter three codes at a time:

FF1-E0A-C42: Attack
FF1-E1A-3B6: Defense
FF1-E2A-A2B: Speed
FF1-E3A-B3A: Special

Break Pokémon and some Trainer sprites

Predef commands are broken. The title screen intro is skipped, some sprites never load and you start in a Glitch City with no money. You're trapped as well with these orange lines in front of you that makes it look like Red is trapped behind bars. Can't load save data, but doesn't destroy it after you turn off the power and play without this code.

Breaks beginning of bank switch function, many sprites and game functions. Text at the beginning of title screen intro is missing as well.

Instead of Trainer approach music, the previous music continues to play

Re: Game Boy Game Genie codes?

Posted by: xtreme713ify
Date: 2020-01-26 14:58:58
I got a Game Genie for the Sega Genesis. That has more slots for codes but it's harder to produce random codes from random characters. To make codes for Genesis games it probably requires more knowledge of a particular game's code. I also have a NES/SNES now and I plan to buy Game Genie's to mess around with more codes on those systems.

Re: Game Boy Game Genie codes?

Posted by: Parzival
Date: 2020-01-26 19:22:54

I got a Game Genie for the Sega Genesis. That has more slots for codes but it's harder to produce random codes from random characters. To make codes for Genesis games it probably requires more knowledge of a particular game's code. I also have a NES/SNES now and I plan to buy Game Genie's to mess around with more codes on those systems.
Those are welll-documented. It wouldm't be hard to make a utility to spit out random valid codes. Interested?