Re: Game Boy Game Genie codes?
Posted by: xtreme713ify
Date: 2018-04-12 23:48:56
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Something odd occurred when I tried the Pokemon Red Code you posted. I tried to do it with Mewtwo because I thought it would be funny, but then after scrolling the text I was transported to the house that was robbed by Team Rocket in Cerulean City. The Mt. Moon theme was playing and I couldn't move very far before getting stuck.
Also, what will happen if you use glitch Pokemon that are normally unviewable, such as *female symbol*? Maybe one of the glitch trainers might show up, that'd be pretty funny.
Those are welll-documented. It wouldm't be hard to make a utility to spit out random valid codes. Interested?
I got a Game Genie for the Sega Genesis. That has more slots for codes but it's harder to produce random codes from random characters. To make codes for Genesis games it probably requires more knowledge of a particular game's code. I also have a NES/SNES now and I plan to buy Game Genie's to mess around with more codes on those systems.