Over 9000 Hurt and Heal
Posted by: PichuUmbreon
Date: 2007-10-02 17:57:45
Once a day, you can hurt and heal something twice. It can be the same thing or different things.
You can't skip hurting or healing.
You can add five things (person, game, weapon, anything) to the game, but no more.
When something reaches 0, it can't be healed anymore.
Everything starts with 20 points.
When something reaches 9001 points, or it's the last one standing, it wins.
It might be a good idea to update the list yourself and repost it.
Add: Longcat
Add: Suiseiseki
Add: Nuke
Add: Noobiness
Add: Macs
Heal: Longcat
Heal: Suiseiseki
Hurt: Noobiness
Hurt: Macs
Longcat: 21
Suiseiseki: 21
Nuke: 20
Noobiness: 19
Macs: 19