Re: The throw an object at the next poster game
Posted by: Yeniaul
Date: 2016-09-05 19:53:07
I mistake it for gas, which I put in my car which was COINCIDENTALLY *cough cough* dry, and when turning the engine on, it shoots rainbows while instantly going to the speed of light.
I decided it was too fun to care about anything else, so I threw the problems cause by this massive anomaly in thé laws of physics at the next poster.
I also throw a RageCandyBar to the poster three posts below me chronologically. (Light-speed time travelling for the win !)
Fires Temporal LOIC at damaged temporal node and fixes it while continuing to supply power to the paradox. Because this is interesting. However, the TLOIC is exactly in-phase with the poster two posts down, so the RageCandyBar is obliterated. Oops.
I throw an Anti-Personnel Mine at the next poster.