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Forum Games

try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object) - Page 3

Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: DynaShock
Date: 2008-03-30 17:10:56
Yup, I did get it from another forum. So it's pretty much in the public domain now.

Nose: iiiivex
Head: vc ki vvvdexc
Elbow: fffffffivverxd
Hand: erwioo78bverszaq234zex

Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: blitzer
Date: 2008-03-30 17:12:09

Router stand:dfucvecx

You can do so much better with your glasses…by the way, are there any restrictions on how body parts are used?

Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-03-30 19:05:58

Router stand:dfucvecx

You can do so much better with your glasses…by the way, are there any restrictions on how body parts are used?
No. Also I use the glass part of my glasses.

Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: blitzer
Date: 2008-03-30 19:53:41
Use the part of your glasses that ends up near but behind your ear when you are wearing the glasses.

Form a full hand with your hand, lift it up, and use your middle finger to type. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-03-30 20:36:37

Use the part of your glasses that ends up near but behind your ear when you are wearing the glasses.

Form a full hand with your hand, lift it up, and use your middle finger to type. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
You cheated!
Glasses(blitzers way):fivex
Full hand(Blitzers way):fivex

Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-04-04 07:00:44
eye (round 2): gtfrboi gtghrdsc
(OW!!!! that hurt more than last time!)
foot: gvfgdiovfewx
big toe: fivex
fist: gnji gyxtrd
thumb: fivex

(yay! 2/5)

Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: blitzer
Date: 2008-04-07 18:42:44

Use the part of your glasses that ends up near but behind your ear when you are wearing the glasses.

Form a full hand with your hand, lift it up, and use your middle finger to type. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
Glasses(blitzers way):fivex
Full hand(Blitzers way):fivex

Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2008-04-07 18:43:27

Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2008-04-08 06:38:50
Nose: fivex
Head: rfcv jk  bvdecx
Elbow: vc cv kli vcdes
Foot:  k  vbez
Knee: bnv  bmn,gv
Pe*shot repeatedly with a gun that shoots baseball bats*: cv k cd
Mouse: fiv4xd
Mobile phone: fivrex
iPod: fivex
DS: fivex
GBA SP: fr9gve4x
Crappy wireless USB thingy that I think is broken: fivex
Desk lamp: f9igv4dx


Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-04-09 18:40:09
Glad you're enjoying this.

brothers head: df giu k,f g3fevs

Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2008-04-10 02:59:07
Killer rabbit souvenir thingy from Monty Python's Spamalot: rf98vge4dx
Shoulder:      ,m 
Random circular mirror: fivex
iPod earphones: fivex
Singstar microphone (I don't know why I still have that in my room XD): fivercx
Fist: dfiuucvexz
Eye: rd  .n cf  asxz
Full hand: tcfokm bdc

Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-04-16 18:36:18
Doesn't using your eye hurt? you must be as crazy as me!

anyway, Thumb: fivex
            eye round 3: gfik8bgvrecd

(OW!!!!!!!) :'( :'( :'(

Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2008-04-19 01:53:25
It doesn't hurt if you know what you're doing.

Elbow round 2: frt8frgwsxs
Fist round 2: fgoi vcex

Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-04-21 09:12:23
cat: gfoibvcrexc (got scratched after)
elbow: fivex
two elbows together: gxbclohjsgtvx
Finger with eyes CLOSED: fivrd (almost!)
Thumb: fivex
unmentionable area: fiv edx (nearly)

score: 2/6

Re: try to Type fivex with (insert body part or object)

Posted by: Adam glitch
Date: 2008-04-29 14:17:54
Nose: f89f3s
Head:  8ccfbwsfeszx
Full hand: dfivcedx