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The scariest thing ever! - Page 11

Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2008-12-22 06:19:11
In a dark room with no windows or doors, a serial killer with the powers
of a god, causing you pain and misery, slicing you up head to toe, twisting
your spinal cord, cutting your veins, plugging them into your lungs so you drown
in your blood, skinned and thrown in to a bath tub filled with water and salt, pure insane
psychological, emotional, and physical torture..

after wards, you heal, and the suffering continues on for all eternity.

Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-12-22 12:45:55
(In response to Fivex because Papa Doc didn't rate it)
-1 to 8/10, your mind sounds fun because of the reality warping, but not fun in the sense of viruses and parasites.
(In response to Papa Doc)
9/10 What the hell kind of mind do you have?

Being in my mind when I'm angry.
My mind can be very twisted and psychotic sometimes. It depends on my mood, which is usually happy due to a pretty good life.

But when I'm angry, my mind warps from good to evil beyond anything. It can be even worse than Papa Doc's scary post. People being brutally murdered and slaughtered out of hatred, torn to bits by gruesome abominations. Entrails ripped from the body, burning chemicals being poured down the throat, face being pulled and gored, people burning in a fire that rots the very soul. Insane and jagged rusty nails and weaponry being stabbed and impaling my enemies. Literally the cause of all this is my own avatar of hell and death. Screaming souls and beyond-tortured bodies, the skin being pulled off of the victim. Kill the innocents and tear the heroes, destruction to everything. Gored to pieces, love is torn asunder slowly and painfully, no escape, the most twisted and psychotic things you can ever think of are probably in mind when I'm angry or hateful.


Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-12-22 13:41:33
The scaariest thing that will ever be in this topic!

Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-12-22 14:12:46
??/10 Dunno what that will be

Gastrointestinal diseases.

Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2008-12-23 04:21:32

(In response to Fivex because Papa Doc didn't rate it)
-1 to 8/10, your mind sounds fun because of the reality warping, but not fun in the sense of viruses and parasites.
(In response to Papa Doc)
9/10 What the hell kind of mind do you have?

Being in my mind when I'm angry.
My mind can be very twisted and psychotic sometimes. It depends on my mood, which is usually happy due to a pretty good life.

But when I'm angry, my mind warps from good to evil beyond anything. It can be even worse than Papa Doc's scary post. People being brutally murdered and slaughtered out of hatred, torn to bits by gruesome abominations. Entrails ripped from the body, burning chemicals being poured down the throat, face being pulled and gored, people burning in a fire that rots the very soul. Insane and jagged rusty nails and weaponry being stabbed and impaling my enemies. Literally the cause of all this is my own avatar of hell and death. Screaming souls and beyond-tortured bodies, the skin being pulled off of the victim. Kill the innocents and tear the heroes, destruction to everything. Gored to pieces, love is torn asunder slowly and painfully, no escape, the most twisted and psychotic things you can ever think of are probably in mind when I'm angry or hateful.


We were seperated from birth.

(To add to my post, that's not all he would do, there is way more,
it was just an example, if you want to read some more, message me!)

Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-12-26 12:23:15
0/10 I don't know what you just said.

The death of this world? Personally I like the death of this world!

Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: ultraVex
Date: 2008-12-27 21:43:52
0/10 if resurrection is real
Infinity/10 if it isn't and there is no heaven/hell/purgatory/afterlife place and everyone would just not exist, and you wouldn't even know it, because nothing exists, and there'd be nothing ever again, not even nothing.

Changing a diaper.

Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2008-12-27 22:52:08

0/10 if resurrection is real
Infinity/10 if it isn't and there is no heaven/hell/purgatory/afterlife place and everyone would just not exist, and you wouldn't even know it, because nothing exists, and there'd be nothing ever again, not even nothing.

Changing a diaper.


Changing a diaper ain't that big of a deal,
it's just my little brother's shit just kills!!

Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-12-29 21:48:25
Papa Doc, say something potentially scary please.
Otherwise 0/10 because nothing is there.

When you die, there is nothing awaiting you, where you feel, taste, touch, hear, and see ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, forever, where you don't exist ever again.

Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2008-12-29 22:35:24
I will stab your throat, twist it 360,
I grab a cheese grader and slide it
up and down your legs, break your arm
off and shove it down your throat, get
a sledge hammer and smash your chest,
take your shattered bones and stick them
through your ears, grab a chainsaw and go
from top to bottom, grab one half of your body
put it right next to a mirror, give you a clown-smile
and take a picture.

Say cheese!!


Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-12-29 23:35:11

Saw you in the mouth with a serrated, jagged knife until your half-head falls off, then I'll throw it into a salt and alcohol-filled bathtub.

Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: ultraVex
Date: 2009-01-02 00:05:21
3/10 Not scary. Just painful as shit.
My god, I'm surrounded by psychotic freaks. who said that

Falling downstairs with a laptop.

Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2009-01-02 12:54:43

My god, I'm surrounded by psychotic freaks. who said that

10/10 Holy shit the computer is my lifeā€¦

The scariest thing ever.

Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2009-02-12 15:17:52
??/10 Not specified.

Glitchy noises.

Re: The scariest thing ever!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2009-02-12 17:36:42
-50/10 Glitchy noises are epic win.

The Atari-2600 gameplay?