Re: 1000 Things you can do with a Pokemon game.
Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2017-07-01 19:04:32
85. Burn said box.
86. Crash said box.
87. Eat said box.
88. Buy said box.
89. Build, by your own means, said box.
90. Saltify said box.
91. Sexually abuse said box.
92. Rip said box.
93. Unbox said box.
94. Trash said box.
95. With a Pokémon game, fill said box.
96. With a bucket of water, fill said box.
98. With Pokémon games, fill a bucket of said boxes.
99. Watch said box.
100. Bow said box.
101. Incorrectly type said boxoxo.
102. Outsmart said box.
103. Obfuscate said box.
104. Post a photo on me_irl of said box.
105. Feed a kitten with said box.
106. Horrify said box.
107. Sorrify said box.
108. Glorify said box.
109. Store GLaDOS in said box.
110. Make said box great again.
111. G1ve many 1's to sa1d box.
112. Compress said box.
113. Zip, Tar, Gzip, DEFLATE, RARify said box.
114. Calculate the CRC-32 of said box.
115. Virtualize said box.
116. Corrupt said box.
117. Have it join the dark side.
118. Who ?
119. Said box !
120. I'm a Jedi and I have no idea what is happening with said box.
121. It is Wednesday, my boxes.
122. Take 10 minutes of your time to imagine things to do with said box.
123. ACTUALLY do them to said box.
124. Lose said box. Again.