The Misheard Song Game?
Posted by: XD003
Date: 2009-04-16 20:07:19
Anyways, point of this game is to make Song Requests (Real songs) to be played over any Voice Recignition tool. If someone has a tool, they can Play it through and see what comes up.
Note: Wordpad should be used while the song and Voice Recog. is opened. That way it'll show what it things the song is "Saying"
Now for an example:
{04-16-2009} [20:51:02] <@XD003> "Burma OOOONA in and then 10 and then and then an in three antonov and and and an and aunt" <— The "Words" to Those Chosen By The Planet
{04-16-2009} [20:57:22] <@XD003> "Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna F and Anna FF and F an F F and an F and F FFF F F and F and F F and an F FF F F FF F" <— "Words" to Mako Reactor