Glitch City Laboratories Archives

Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.

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Role Plays

So bored.... - Page 1

So bored....

Posted by: Godofdeath19
Date: 2007-07-31 17:37:20
Okay, I'm making this into a game in about a year, so I need to see if people like it at all.

changed!  I need at least 3 or 5…


Last Name (Optional):
Weapon (optional, and not too good, just like, dagger, or sword or soemthin'):
Armor (Up to Leather (Normal, robes, or leather):
Class (Only matter later in the game):
Extra Info:

You live in your castle, under strict laws from your king.  You are the NORTH lookout.  One day, you were at your post, when you see an approaching army of Orcs coming from the West.  The West lookout fell asleep.  What will you do? 

There are only 4 choices here, then the rest is all you.  I will be the dungeon master throwing monsters and goblins and stuff at you.

Good luck…

Will you…

A. Tell the watchman
B. Tell the knights
C. Tell the king
D. Not tell anyone


Please, Bio first, then answer.