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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch - Page 2

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: PokemonPichu
Date: 2006-10-16 21:10:54
"I'm Alex." Alex said. "You want to join Team Glitch?"

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: ACE91
Date: 2006-10-16 21:18:18
"Team Glitch?" Ace seemed puzzled. Glitch? What kind of a name is that? "I'll have to think about it. I haven't been a member of a team before. By the way, what does the name mean?"

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: Immo each yo babies!
Date: 2006-10-16 22:27:19
(A ghostly-looking Fuuwii appears in front of Ace)
Fuuwii: My name's Fuuwii! Thanks for helpin' me out back there….I heard that you guys have a team when I was not spying on you. Where do I sign up?

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: PokemonPichu
Date: 2006-10-17 19:46:27
"Pichi made it up. I don't know what it means." Alex said.

"I just like glitches! I would like glitch Pokemon in our team." Pichi said.

When Fuuwii appeared and told them what he wanted, Alex said, "You want to be in Rescue Team Glitch? All right. I know some Friend Areas where you two and Pichi can stay."

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: ACE91
Date: 2006-10-17 21:10:22
Glitch Pok?mon? Ace had heard of them before, but had assumed they were just a myth, a folktale. It was almost comical how this young Pichu thought he could find Glitch Pok?mon to join this team. Even if they did exist, they would have to be incredibly elusive. But he decided not to bring that up now, if only to not shatter Pichi's youthful idealism.

"Well, now that we're all acquainted, we had better focus on getting out of this forest," Ace said to the others. "There could be wild Pok?mon chasing us as we speak. Come on!"  He dashed off in no direction in particular, tring to stay low so as to not be spotted by any wild Pok?mon. He didn't find any Pok?mon or the exit, but he found an Oran Berry bush, from which he picked 3 berries to use for their healing properties.

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: PokemonPichu
Date: 2006-10-17 22:13:28
Oran Berry: 3

Alex and Pichi followed Ace. Alex saw a hallway and said, "This way."

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: Immo each yo babies!
Date: 2006-10-18 00:16:35
Fuuwii:Ummm… do you really think going into a narrow hallway in single-file is a good idea?? MAybe we should use my ghostly abilities to go through think objects and water to scout out enemies and items….

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: PokemonPichu
Date: 2006-10-18 01:17:28
"And make yourself hungry? I don't think that's a good idea." Alex said.

(Really, going through walls does make you hungry in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.)

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: Immo each yo babies!
Date: 2006-10-18 08:07:18
Fuuwii: Awwwww……
Fuuwii: It's a forest that I have lived in all my life I know where an apple tree is!

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: ACE91
Date: 2006-10-18 13:04:49

Name: Thinggoff
Speice: P (the green glitch)
Other infomation: Dislikes normals (un-glitched pokemon)

Pokemon to Rescue: P (the other green glitch)
Pokemon to Escort: none
Pokemon to Escort to: none
Item to Bring to Pokemon at the End: none

*Ash wants to fight*: *?9*

Umm… I think you have to join in the current mission, not create your own. I believe there's only one rescue team in this RPG. I may be wrong–ask PichuUmbreon. </OOC>

"Okay, Fuwii, show us where that tree is," Ace said to the floating Pok?mon, "I'm getting hungry anyway."

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2006-10-18 13:07:18
[glow=red,2,300]Totally off topic remark alert![/glow]

Never mind I wont join In as I'm confused already! ???
Ow! My brain!  :-\

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: Immo each yo babies!
Date: 2006-10-18 17:19:01
Fuuwii guides the group to a grove of Oran Berries. Alex and Pichi notice other pokemon gathered around the tree and go to "ready stance" but Ace and Fuuwii see no danger.
Fuuwii explains that these are peaceful pokemon that are here to eat and drink their fill.
Fuuwii hovers around and finds a small Persim tree (his favorite). he takes five berries, and plants one into the ground.
Fuuwii: May you grow into the largest trees in the forest.
The rest of the group goes around picking up healthy-looking berries and Fuuwii plants the following:
Pecha x 2
Persim x 3 (Including the one he planted above)
Oran x 4
Lum x 1

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: ACE91
Date: 2006-10-18 18:24:23
Ace marveled at the hidden grove of berry and apple trees that he hadn't even known was in this seemingly forbidding forest. "Fuwii, we owe you one. This should give us plenty of food for the journey." He picked two apples and three Lum Berries and added them to the team's stash, then grabbed an apple and ate it himself. Then he wandered over to the edge of the grove and looked through some trees into a clearing, in which he spotted the exit staircase. "There it is!" he shouted to the others–but he soon regretted this, as a group of Beedrill sleeping in the trees were awakened by his shout…

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: Immo each yo babies!
Date: 2006-10-18 19:00:57
Fuuwii: Not good! At all! Those Beedrill must be the beginning of many!!!
Fuuwii used Gust!
Some of the Beedrill were hurt.

Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team Glitch

Posted by: ACE91
Date: 2006-10-20 10:42:37
As he saw the Beedrill approaching him, Ace's first instinct was to make a run for the exit, leaving the others to fight off the Beedrill. But he couldn't allow himself to think that way anymore. They helped me before. It's the least I can do to help them out now… Reluctantly, he stood his ground. As a Beedrill approached, he sent a blast of Icy Wind at it, blowing it against a tree trunk and KO-ing it.