Posted by: PichuUmbreon
Date: 2007-09-09 17:06:56
Basically, the new channel, #glitchcity2, does not allow perverseness, but it still allows swearing.
So, the people who aren't comfortable with perverseness don't have to go onto #glitchcity for GCL-related chatting.
#glitchcity still exists, though, and anybody is allowed to join it. (except for the banned people)
Also, if you want to check who's on #glitchcity and #glitchcity2 when Slartibartfast is not working, look at these links: http://allpurpose.ath.cx/glitchcity.txt http://allpurpose.ath.cx/glitchcity2.txt
They're basically text files updated every five seconds by the bot called fivequestionmarks.