Glitch City Laboratories Archives

Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.

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Speedrun routes on the wiki - Page 1

Speedrun routes on the wiki

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2019-03-25 23:53:42
As part of the recent restructuring we've been trying to give the site to keep it up-to-date, speedrun routes are now receiving articles. To get an idea of what advances in glitch research this series of efforts engendered, or of the depth that goes into routing, the two already completed already provide plenty of essential reading. Staying true to the site's purpose, the goal of these pages is to document in depth what's actually going on when you do those seemingly inexplicable series of inputs. Luckily, after I cluelessly dismissed the idea, our new contributor Bbbbbbbbba (with ties to pret!) went ahead and did it anyway. Speaking of which, many Generation I pages have been receiving long-overdue overhauls thanks to the aforementioned user and Luckytyphlosion.

In addition, there have been some recent updates to the German GlitchDex and Korean TMHMDex. Did you know that 기머49 can execute arbitrary code? Or that a counterpart to the household name 4 4 Hy exists in the German version of Yellow and learns Hyper Fang at level 205? Now you do.