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Debate Wars

Piracy/Copyright Infringement - Page 1

Piracy/Copyright Infringement

Posted by: PichuUmbreon
Date: 2007-09-17 17:44:14
First, copyright infringement is not necessarily plagiarism, and second, I believe piracy is good for the economy and copyright infringement good for society.

Easy money often ruins the economy, and copyright seems to create easy money. For example, old games that aren't being sold anymore. The company that owns them suddenly decides to re-release them as downloadable, but you still have to pay for them. That's easy money.

Copyright stops you from taking other peoples' ideas and using them in your work and/or improving on them. Kinda like creating a movie for a very old classic, except it's not affected by copyright. I believe copyright stops progress except by the owner. What if, in the future a few, very huge companies own quite a lot of things? And these companies aren't very smart?

Re: Piracy/Copyright Infringement

Posted by: d3ad connection
Date: 2007-09-17 18:15:52
I'm all for piracy  ;D

Re: Piracy/Copyright Infringement

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2007-09-18 12:04:13
It prevents global warming :P

Re: Piracy/Copyright Infringement

Posted by: Zach the Glitch Buster
Date: 2007-09-18 18:27:30
I say its mostly a bad thing. If a company makes a new video game, then in three days everyone downloads a ROM or something of the sort and no one buys it, then in marketing terms, the game flopped. Thus if this happened several times in a short period of time then the company would go out of business and not make anymore games. Same goes for music, movies Etc Etc. Although after say a game goes off the shelfs and the company refuses anyone making a ROM though they don't loose money if you do, Is stupid. One idea is the copyright weakens after the product is taken off the shelves.

Re: Piracy/Copyright Infringement

Posted by: Bent`
Date: 2007-09-22 20:58:36
Piracy I oppose, but copyright infringement not so much. DMCA == bad stuff.

Re: Piracy/Copyright Infringement

Posted by: Sky Ninja
Date: 2007-09-29 00:38:31
You enjoy that illegal stuff? I'm against it. ()O

Re: Piracy/Copyright Infringement

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2007-09-29 13:05:56

You enjoy that illegal stuff? I'm against it. ()O

I'm against it too. ()O

Re: Piracy/Copyright Infringement

Posted by: d3ad connection
Date: 2007-09-29 13:19:27
Haha, we have some do-gooders here. LET'S BLAST THEM TO THE MOON! *shot*

Re: Piracy/Copyright Infringement

Posted by: PichuUmbreon
Date: 2007-09-29 15:37:27

Haha, we have some do-gooders here. LET'S BLAST THEM TO THE MOON! *shot*

Uhh, actually:
Lawful != Good

Re: Piracy/Copyright Infringement

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2007-10-05 20:52:05
Wow. you have some screwed-up ideals, Kyouki. I guess liberalism can do that to some people. Copyright-infringement and piracy are both types of theft. When one makes music/games/art/etc, they put a lot of time, effort, and heart into it. They have the right to disallow many things, even the use of it by certain people.
Apparently you're forgetting that these materials can be redistributed and even altered with the copyright-holder's permission. So the improvements can be made.
Be sure you know a good deal about things before you try to make statements just for the sake of extremism.

Re: Piracy/Copyright Infringement

Posted by: d3ad connection
Date: 2007-10-06 01:07:34
This is a opinion topic, not a debate on ideals, so shut it.

Re: Piracy/Copyright Infringement

Posted by: PichuUmbreon
Date: 2007-10-06 12:45:17

Be sure you know a good deal about things before you try to make statements just for the sake of extremism.

I already do.

They have the right to disallow many things, even the use of it by certain people.

Maybe, but is it actually right to own most of the world's ideas?

Oh yeah, if I recall correctly, it's the publishers that often own most of the rights to the ideas, not the authors.

Copyright-infringement and piracy are both types of theft. When one makes music/games/art/etc, they put a lot of time, effort, and heart into it.

And yet, if I wrote a book and somebody I don't know at all distributed it for free, would I lose the book or the ability to distribute/alter/etc it? No.

I do not at all consider concrete objects the same as ideas.