Re: School hours
Posted by: Papa Doc
Date: 2007-06-04 04:52:45
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not that i live where you do,but D**n school people,p**s me off
Sevreal counties in Massachusetts are lengthening the school day by 3 hours to improve test scores. Is this right? I think that this is stupidest piece of shit I have ever heard of. adding on more hours will just lower test scores becouse kids will be less willing to learn. thats my take whats yours?
not that i live where you do,but D**n school people,p**s me off
you really need to cut the language dude! or at least hyphenize it like i did on the quote!
Sevreal counties in Massachusetts are lengthening the school day by 3 hours to improve test scores. Is this right? I think that this is stupidest piece of shit I have ever heard of. adding on more hours will just lower test scores becouse kids will be less willing to learn. thats my take whats yours?
That would just give me 3 extra hours to sleep.
Possible actually.
Hell no. That would mean a dramatic increase in suicides.
Yes, I know that joke was probably in bad taste, but I don't care. :p