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Debate Wars

1/4 of Christains are racist(dont read if your christain or dont like cussing) - Page 1

1/4 of Christains are racist(dont read if your christain or dont like cussing)

Posted by: Lishy
Date: 2006-10-13 17:24:00
What is this fucken crap of CHRISTMASS CHRISTMASS everybody show your CHRISTMASS spirit.Then all you see on tv CRISTMASS CHRISTMASS CHRISTMASS

1/4 of the christains in the world should die and have a painfull death.They keep talking about how tolerent they are and how much they love god but do they give a damn about other religons?ALL YOU SEE IS FUCKEN SHIT!

All over holidays such as the jewish ones example,is about suffering and trying to make you thankfull of what you have.And for christains……………..Easter easter easter..not as much as a big deal but still,they exadurate that too!And when did it involve a bunny and having FUN!?!?!?They finally had a holoday were they need to suffer and they turned it into a fucken oposite to stick thier asses at other religions going "HEY!THE HOLODAYS WE GET IS ABOUT GETTING STUFF!YOU ALL HAVE TO SUFFER AND WE GET TO BE FILLED WITH JOY,LIKE A POOR AND RICH PERSON!"

FUCK THE WORLD!Fuck god to…

Sorry,when its gonna be close to christmass I get so mad…

Also a survey was done and it shows mostly christains are the people being racist to black people,asian people(japanese,chinese etc),jews,arabs and more I dont know what to list.

Black/brown and asian type of eyes arent even a religion but they are still getting racism towards them.Like this chineese guy in my class!

Racism sucks!Any christain people who feel how anoyed other religions get or other religions who agree with me,post here.

Sorry for my bad grammer!

Also please note Im not blaming all christains for being racist.Just 1/4 although 3/4 of them exadurate their holidays and it pisses me off.

Re: 1/4 of Christains are racist(dont read if your christain or dont like cussing)

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-10-13 22:27:55
Moved out of trash since this seems like an ideal debate topic, however you could lighten up a bit.

Christmas and Easter are hardly Christian holidays anymore. Money, Business, and Greed changed it.

When you consider your arguement that it's mostly Christians that are racist/bigoted, well (at least in America, most of Europe, South America, and a great deal of Africa) a great majority of the people are Christian. Christian religion does NOT teach hate, Jesus taught to love your neighbor. Saying racism is a "Christian thing" is unfair.

Of course, since historically white Christian men were the conquerers and the colonists and such, they got to impose their religion and beliefs on the rest of the world, which led to disagreements and such.

Re: 1/4 of Christains are racist(dont read if your christain or dont like cussing)

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2006-10-14 11:32:11
I personally think that Humans in general are anti-different a.k.a Racist.
If anyone is different they are discriminated just for being like that. I think people that insult people for being Coloured, Disabled, different sex, different hair colour, different size, different religion etc are sick, twisted, unfair, stupid, unkind, ****ers etc.

But we all do it so I tell the human race Keep it in your head! Don't express it!

Re: 1/4 of Christains are racist(dont read if your christain or dont like cussing)

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-10-14 17:19:03
Here's my take on it. In every sub-society (be it ethnic, religious, or whatever) there exists a fraction of people who are hateful towards non-members. However, since the conquerers and explorers of the world are mostly white Christian men, that particular group has grown very large and powerful, and by association, so has the hateful sub-group within it.

Re: 1/4 of Christains are racist(dont read if your christain or dont like cussin

Posted by: hoggins
Date: 2006-10-20 17:59:53
Christmas & Easter are so commercialised now that there's almost no religeon in it whatsoever. There are all the school plays & such, but they're not really "religeon". Everyone celebrates Christmas now, whether they're Christian, Jew, or Hindu. This kind really P!$$&5 me off sometimes, but for some odd reason, it doesn't stop me celebrating it & I have no idea why. :-\

Re: 1/4 of Christains are racist(dont read if your christain or dont like cussing)

Posted by: Immo each yo babies!
Date: 2006-11-08 14:52:18
By god, there isn't a Santa, we shouldn't ever say it again.

Christmas is SUPPOSED to be a holiday where Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Easter is SUPPOSED to be a holiday where Christians celebrate the rising of Jesus, the day where he came back from the dead.

Christmas IS a day where little rich kids get lots of toys and everything goes on sale.

Easter IS a day where you get too many skittles in little plastic eggs(???)

Halloween makes me angry.

Here is the reason why, the origin of Halloween.

Trick or Treat–In old Scotland, around the end of October, the Druids came around asking for a human sacrifice, a virgin daughter. This was used to make a bonfire.(Bone+Fire=Bonfire)

Costumes- The Druids danced around the Bonfire in the skins of dead animals, the ones they sacrificed.

Black Cats- Cats can (supposedly) sense good and bad spirits. Black Cats symbolize malevolence and WitchCraft.

Why would we, the good religious people, want to make this a day of celebration? (Holy+Day=Holiday)
Why do we hide the truth?
Why do we call it a Holiday?
Why do our children parade around in the streets giggling and happily getting treats on such a noght?

Re: 1/4 of Christains are racist(dont read if your christain or dont like cussing)

Posted by: Wicked Klown
Date: 2007-07-08 20:37:55

What is this fucken crap of CHRISTMASS CHRISTMASS everybody show your CHRISTMASS spirit.Then all you see on tv CRISTMASS CHRISTMASS CHRISTMASS

1/4 of the christains in the world should die and have a painfull death.They keep talking about how tolerent they are and how much they love god but do they give a damn about other religons?ALL YOU SEE IS FUCKEN SHIT!

All over holidays such as the jewish ones example,is about suffering and trying to make you thankfull of what you have.And for christains……………..Easter easter easter..not as much as a big deal but still,they exadurate that too!And when did it involve a bunny and having FUN!?!?!?They finally had a holoday were they need to suffer and they turned it into a fucken oposite to stick thier asses at other religions going "HEY!THE HOLODAYS WE GET IS ABOUT GETTING STUFF!YOU ALL HAVE TO SUFFER AND WE GET TO BE FILLED WITH JOY,LIKE A POOR AND RICH PERSON!"

FUCK THE WORLD!Fuck god to…

Sorry,when its gonna be close to christmass I get so mad…

Also a survey was done and it shows mostly christains are the people being racist to black people,asian people(japanese,chinese etc),jews,arabs and more I dont know what to list.

Black/brown and asian type of eyes arent even a religion but they are still getting racism towards them.Like this chineese guy in my class!

Racism sucks!Any christain people who feel how anoyed other religions get or other religions who agree with me,post here.

Sorry for my bad grammer!

Also please note Im not blaming all christains for being racist.Just 1/4 although 3/4 of them exadurate their holidays and it pisses me off.

So true, I am catholic, I never criticize other religions, and I cuss severely, listen to Insane Clown Posse, like blood etc. If they were so loving of god and truly believe their religions, why turn them into something they are not, and defy what they so call "love"?

Oh and if you want to express your hate and say Fuck the world

Re: 1/4 of Christains are racist(dont read if your christain or dont like cussing)

Posted by: Zuko 16
Date: 2007-08-21 19:47:23
What is this f**ken crap of CHRISTMASS CHRISTMASS everybody show your CHRISTMASS spirit.Then all you see on tv CRISTMASS CHRISTMASS CHRISTMASS

1/4 of the christains in the world should die and have a painfull death.They keep talking about how tolerent they are and how much they love god but do they give a damn about other religons?ALL YOU SEE IS f**kEN s**t!

All over holidays such as the jewish ones example,is about suffering and trying to make you thankfull of what you have.And for christains……………..Easter easter easter..not as much as a big deal but still,they exadurate that too!And when did it involve a bunny and having FUN!?!?!?They finally had a holoday were they need to suffer and they turned it into a f**ken oposite to stick thier asses at other religions going "HEY!THE HOLODAYS WE GET IS ABOUT GETTING STUFF!YOU ALL HAVE TO SUFFER AND WE GET TO BE FILLED WITH JOY,LIKE A POOR AND RICH PERSON!"

f**k THE WORLD!f**k god to…

Sorry,when its gonna be close to christmass I get so mad…

Also a survey was done and it shows mostly christains are the people being racist to black people,asian people(japanese,chinese etc),jews,arabs and more I dont know what to list.

Black/brown and asian type of eyes arent even a religion but they are still getting racism towards them.Like this chineese guy in my class!

Racism sucks!Any christain people who feel how anoyed other religions get or other religions who agree with me,post here.

Sorry for my bad grammer!

Also please note Im not blaming all christains for being racist.Just 1/4 although 3/4 of them exadurate their holidays and it pisses me off.

I'm not much of a debater, but here's my opinion in this…since I AM a christian.

Most of American's are christian, so in ANY survey done in America that's seperated by religion is going to have an outcome of Christians being more…whatever the survey is about….then the other religions.

For example, say that you had a group of 20 people: 10 are christians, 5 are catholic, and 5 are buddist. They take the survey you mentioned. 5 of the 10 Christian's are racist, 3 of the 5 Catholic's are racist, and 2 of the 5 Buddist's are racist. You'd probably look at the results and say 'Hey, there are more racist Christian's then Catholic's and Buddist's.' But, in fact, the results are about the same; half of each religion is racist.

Christanity is the dominate religion….so what are you going to see more of around the holidays? There are sorts of holidays celebrated in each religion, and I've seen each of them at least once in my life; so they aren't completely ignored. But, as I stated before, Christian is dominate. So, when it comes to TV and advertisement, that is who they are going to target…seriously, not something to blame Christian's about. Should you blame a muscular person because muscular men/women are advertised in Boflex commercials rather then an obese person? Nope.

And I think that it is VERY prejiduce of you to say that all Christians are racist and exagerate their holidays and religion.

And, this is a debate thread, so don't even begin to flame or cuss me out because I'm stating my opinion. If you're allowed to state your opinion, then I'm aloud to debate with my opinion.

Re: 1/4 of Christains are racist(dont read if your christain or dont like cussing)

Posted by: Phrawger
Date: 2007-08-26 18:53:19
Also a survey was done and it shows mostly christains are the people being racist to black people,asian people(japanese,chinese etc),jews,arabs and more I dont know what to list.

Black/brown and asian type of eyes arent even a religion but they are still getting racism towards them.Like this chineese guy in my class!

I think that racism would include races, not religions, but it's not mine to say. And christians aren't always the ones glorifying the "christmas sprit". That's mostly a marketing ploy. [size=1pt]REAL christmas is about the birth of a savior, not giving gifts, but most people have forgotten that. [/size]

And the reason the poeple doing the most racism are christians is because there are a massive amount of us. So don't hate the team, hate the players.