Re: New years
Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-01-01 01:11:16
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That isn't going to happen.
Well, at 12:00 Eastern time, next New Year's, all the nukes in the U.S. and England shall be launched. We'll all survive, but we'll be mutants or fused with another member. I suppose I'll have to relearn how to live being a half giraffe and half human mutant, and no longer being able to fit in my own home.
we could just become glowing.
You don't know that for sure. It isn't impossible.
We are way too far apart from each other
Nah, it'd be worse than that. I predict that you and Nimrod get fused together.
Probably Missing? NO! will become a half animal half human mutant, just like me.