Yami's 20th birthday. (Oh, Ra! ><)
Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-01-26 07:33:12
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Yeah. at July the 15th, is my 20th birthday. By Ra, I feel old! Half, of the young ones, around here, make me feel old, as hell. 1988 15th of July. My Star Sign is Cancer, and my Chinese New Year, is Dragon. I become 20. And it's scary. Hopeflly this year, might go better than my 19th. I lost my brother 2 years ago. back in 06, so it's been hell, since he died. Been struggling to cope, but still hanging on. So, I'll be 20, on the 15th. It's gonna be weird.
I lost my brother 2 years ago. back in 06, so it's been hell, since he died. Been struggling to cope, but still hanging on.