5th February 2010
Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2010-02-05 02:23:21
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Happy birthday. Have fun driving, and please don't kill anybody.
I can tell you my experience from driving. I started at age 16 doing driving classes and I did an accident by hitting a post on the first lessons! (but it was during a snow storm , it should have been canceled). I did hate driving back but now that I have the driving license driving a car is a second nature.
Just to tell you that its impossible for you to be worse than me!
I can give one tip, just listen the guy or girl who is with you during the lesson, do not care of if you're too slow or too fast, just listen the guy/girl. If the other people on the road are using their ''klaxon''? (I don't know the word in english), just dont mind them
and happy birthday! welcome to the 17 years old realm!