Posted by: Krisp
Date: 2007-12-08 21:21:13
Thanks for any welcomes (if any) I get.
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GODDAMN IT. Now you're all taking my phrase. :'( I feel insulted…
Actually that's mine now…his is "The Hooked Metapod is watching you"…oh well, welcome, hope you enjoy your stay here on GCLF!
GODDAMN IT. Now you're all taking my phrase. :'( I feel insulted…
I thought your phrase was "All hail the Hooked Metapod"?
I like your avatar by the way.
Hi, I hang out in the IRC channel sometimes using some form of "krisp" or Jolteon as my name. As you can probably see from my profile, I'm 19 and my favorite Pokemon is Heracross. I've always been interested in Pokemon glitches and "easter eggs" in video games, so I decided to join the forums.
Thanks for any welcomes (if any) I get.