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I am back to not be mean but to say sorry - Page 2

Re: I am back to not be mean but to say sorry

Posted by: Don Watermeleon
Date: 2008-05-10 19:30:10
Still, I think everyone deserves another chance. Welcome back, Murph. Hope you get unbanned.  8)

Re: I am back to not be mean but to say sorry

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2008-05-10 20:31:06

*Hides in dark corner and cuts wrists*

We told you to stop posting things that are off topic like this. (Actually, Zach told you.)

WOM +10 for repeat offence.

Re: I am back to not be mean but to say sorry

Posted by: Pikachu~
Date: 2008-05-10 22:24:25

Um.. I don't really know you but still, It's spelt: Sincerely or censor, which ever one you meant, "I"s should be capitalized, and your second "second" is spelt wrong. Plus, could someone move this to the "Introductions/goodbyes" thread? This post seems to be in the wrong place. Other than that, I see nothing wrong with that post. So, "Welcome" back. (Not that you were missed, though.)

Edit: Oh, yes, and it's spelt: "Promise"

Before you give lessons on spelling, maybe consider heading to grammar school for a lesson on punctuation and capitalization. I'm sorry, but there is at least five errors in that post, outlined below:

1. Um.. I don't really know you but still, It's spelt:
Comma before the but, 'nuff said.

2. still, It's spelt: Sincerely
No need for the cap in it's

3. still, It's spelt: Sincerely
There's no need for that colon, there's no list there, and sincerely shouldn't be capitalized.

4. capitalized, and your second "second" is spelt wrong
When only listing two instances in a sentence, there is no need for a comma before the "and".

5. This post seems to be in the wrong place. Other than that, I see nothing wrong with that post. So, "Welcome" back. (Not that you were missed, though.)
When referencing someone, use "your", not "that".

EDIT: *shot by Karma*

Re: I am back to not be mean but to say sorry

Posted by: Yuzihax
Date: 2008-05-10 22:49:28
Oh for godsake, this is a return topic, not a freaking grammar school.

Seriously, correct each other's grammatical mistakes in a PM or something, leave it out of an actual topic.

Re: I am back to not be mean but to say sorry

Posted by: Bent`
Date: 2008-05-11 01:38:35
Good to see you, Murph. Your account is currently on moderation, which means staff members will have to approve each post you make. Still, if you've changed for the better, that's great. See you around.



Re: I am back to not be mean but to say sorry

Posted by: Yuzihax
Date: 2008-05-11 02:08:10

this is murph101 and I am back to not be mean but to say sorry to you all for the trouble i have made and this time i am for real sencer sorry for ever thing and i promas to
be good and never agan be bad just please give me a second chance please thats all i ask and if i be bad you will never hear of me ever agan just please give me a secong chance please  :'(

Wow, either you have a lot of balls or you're just plain retarded.

You've come back maybe three or four separate times, and each time told us to go fuck ourselves.
Overall, you ban hits are 27.
Banned people are banned for a reason, Murph, and your reason was that you were stupid.
Do you think we tolerate stupid people? Nope, that's why we got rid of you each time, because you come back just to be stupid.

You come back about 3-4 times, tell us to go fuck ourselves, and you think we're just going to willingly give you a second chance?
Yeah, that's not gonna fly with some of us here, here's hoping you get banned, again, like you should.

Go away, Satan, we don't serve your kind here.

Re: I am back to not be mean but to say sorry

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-05-11 02:40:46
Welcome, hope you do better. Still, you really should have Abwayax unban you if you promise realy hard, to not do stuff that'd get you banned.

Re: I am back to not be mean but to say sorry

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2008-05-12 11:26:26
You should prove yourself to get your old account unbanned.

Re: I am back to not be mean but to say sorry

Posted by: blitzer
Date: 2008-05-16 00:12:12
Meh, who cares if he fucks us? We can always delete his topics and ban him again. XD

Unless that takes a lot of work…

And this guy somewhat reminds me of a user named Facetious, who was banned but kept coming back so much that they eventually gave up.

"This is murph101, and I am back not to be mean, but to say sorry to you all for the trouble I have made and this time I am for real sincerely sorry for everything and I promise to
be good and never again be bad. Just please give me a second chance, please that's all I ask and if I am bad you will never hear of me ever again. Just please give me a second chance, please."

Why does that sound like a prayer of sorts…? 

Re: I am back to not be mean but to say sorry

Posted by: Bent`
Date: 2008-05-16 10:22:57

And this guy somewhat reminds me of a user named Facetious, who was banned but kept coming back so much that they eventually gave up.

Difference being that Facetious is a wit, and a significant portion of the staff there think he's funny.