Re: I am back to not be mean but to say sorry
Posted by: Don Watermeleon
Date: 2008-05-10 19:30:10
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*Hides in dark corner and cuts wrists*
Um.. I don't really know you but still, It's spelt: Sincerely or censor, which ever one you meant, "I"s should be capitalized, and your second "second" is spelt wrong. Plus, could someone move this to the "Introductions/goodbyes" thread? This post seems to be in the wrong place. Other than that, I see nothing wrong with that post. So, "Welcome" back. (Not that you were missed, though.)
Edit: Oh, yes, and it's spelt: "Promise"
this is murph101 and I am back to not be mean but to say sorry to you all for the trouble i have made and this time i am for real sencer sorry for ever thing and i promas to
be good and never agan be bad just please give me a second chance please thats all i ask and if i be bad you will never hear of me ever agan just please give me a secong chance please :'(
And this guy somewhat reminds me of a user named Facetious, who was banned but kept coming back so much that they eventually gave up.