Posted by: Fox
Date: 2016-03-19 19:59:08
For me, Pokemon RBY and GSC inspired an interest in coding and technology that continues to this day. Though I continued onward through each of the following generations, it was in those two that I made much more use of glitches and Gameshark codes.
It's thanks to the RBY re-release that I ended up here. I gave the Trainer Escape glitch a try and really enjoyed learning about how it worked and making the most of it. After using that to help stock up on items with MissingNO., I ended up stuck trying to figure out how to deal with stuffing both my held and PC inventory and yeah. :XD:
I somehow ended up sucked into tinkering with the Coin Case glitch in GS after that, and I hope to talk more about that too. :)
I'm glad there's so much information on all these things, having a technical understanding rather than just "knowing" that it works and leaving it at that. It's all so very interesting.