Glitch City Laboratories Archives

Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.

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Belated hello - Page 1

Belated hello

Posted by: Aldrasio
Date: 2016-07-22 10:53:38
Hey everyone. So I'm new to the forums, but I've got some experience with hacking/breaking the first gen of Pokemon games.

When I was in college, for a few months I sorta took up Gameboy programming as a hobby. Then I found the Pokemon Red disassembly on github and used that to do some ROMhacking. But at the time I was more of a lurker, so I didn't share anything I did anywhere. Then I gradually lost interest, but I still have all the notes and code I made from back then.

So now I'm decently familiar with the Gameboy CPU and the structure of Pokemon RBY, and I really enjoy digging into those games, experimenting, figuring out why unintended behavior happens. It amazes me that we can still find new stuff about these games almost 20 years later.

Re: Belated hello

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2016-07-22 15:24:12
Howdy, Aldrasio! Welcome to GCLF.


It amazes me that we can still find new stuff about these games almost 20 years later.


Re: Belated hello

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2016-07-22 17:44:01
All hail the Legendary 8F and his follower, the Coin Case.
If you're in ACE things, there is 3rd gen ACE currently getting the final polishes, and 4th gen is in the scope.

Welcome to GCL ! Because the world isn't large enough, we need to glitch more out of it.
[size=5pt]Warning : excessive glitching may result in corruptions, loss of control, headaches, glitch Pokémon, and other undesirable effects.
If troublesome side effects persist, call 36 15 MISSINGNO.
Glitch City Corp. is not responsible for any damage caused to your cartridges, brains or Pokémon.[/size]

Re: Belated hello

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2016-07-22 20:18:06

[size=5pt]Warning : excessive glitching may result in corruptions, loss of control, headaches, glitch Pokémon, and other undesirable effects.
If troublesome side effects persist, call 36 15 MISSINGNO.
Glitch City Corp. is not responsible for any damage caused to your cartridges, brains or Pokémon.[/size]

Other than headaches and loss of control (and/or depending what you're losing control of), these effects seem pretty desirable to me.

Re: Belated hello

Posted by: Yeniaul
Date: 2016-07-22 20:33:14
Loss of control in this case could relate to three things:
1. Seizure
2. Stroke
3. Loss of control over your game

Re: Belated hello

Posted by: Stackout
Date: 2016-07-23 04:53:34

All hail the Legendary 8F and his follower, the Coin Case.
If you're in ACE things, there is 3rd gen ACE currently getting the final polishes

All hail the Legendary Massive Exploit Chain.

Re: Belated hello

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2016-07-23 14:49:27
Welcome to the forums, Aldrasio. ^_^