Anyone remember me?
Posted by: Jchu
Date: 2017-05-22 16:06:32
I…uhhh…am really strange. Using TVtropes to kind of figure myself out and the like (like i read girly girls can also have female crushes on there and that help's me accept my crush on korrina more 'cuz i'm not giving up being a girly girl for NO ONE. or giving up my love for korrina…she help's me through life. yep.).
I sorta wanna get into glitches again. Maybe posting around here will spark that interest i had back?
I really don't know how 'kind' or 'accepting' the new members are here, but i'm bored, and want to post on a fun forum. I'm a strong girl. I'm sure I can take what this forums dishes out. :)
I'm interested in dreams too. I find them glitch like and strange.
Spelling is still not my strong point but I will try to spell out things the best I can here :)
EDIT: Also, I have autism. It likely makes my brain/hormones/judgement overall very 'different' from other people. So try not to find me TOO 'weird', if you can help it?