The next Pokémon movie
Posted by: Bluelatios
Date: 2009-09-14 23:35:44
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Looks pretty cool, I just hope that they don't make it TOO kid-friendly.
Ash is 15 during his travels through Sinnoh. And yeah, it sure is a lot of pressure on him for the 5 years (anime time) that he has been on his journey. He has had to save the world from destruction numerous times in the movies! Brocco, what do you mean by "true action"? In this movie, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, AND Arceus are fighting the ultimate battle (which likely threatens the world I assume). What action do you mean? And Nintendo does come pretty close (if not already), upsetting parents and their misunderstanding towards the "Pokemon God" thing. I am keeping quiet about it mostly whenever I happen to be talking to a parent about Pokemon and if one should ask, please be reminded that it is an alternate universe so it doesn't mean its bad!